Tag: batter

Messy Birthday 2007

Shokolada sitting in a big trash bag, covered in pie and pudding

This is by far the most popular picture I’ve ever posted on FetLife. I’ve got to do it again sometime soon… it was so amazing the first time! Here’s how it went down: Imagine a dessert list with 25 whipped cream pies — 4 buckets each full of a different color of cake batter — …

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Deanna 4: A Special Boss’ Day

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures Episode 4: A Special Boss’ Day “Would you mind repeating that?” Deanna asked as she stood up from the chair. “I want you to tie me up and get me messy, just like you did to Margaret and Veronica the other day,” repeated Kelly. “When I saw the …

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Cake Batter Squirt Gun

A homemade gun for squirting cake batter.

For an upcoming shoot, and my own personal entertainment, today I built a cake batter squirt gun from a modified caulking gun framework and a custom ‘ammo’ cartridge. (Easy cleaning and replacement.) One fires by squeezing the trigger and pushing the pressing handle. Not accurate, but it hardly needs to be! Testing will begin as …

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Deanna 3: A Slice of Humble Pie

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures Episode 3: A Slice of Humble Pie Deanna rolled over and touched the alarm button on her bedside clock. The annoying beeping stopped. It was time to get up and get ready for work. Of course, "getting up" would presuppose that one had been asleep. That had not …

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Deanna 2: A New Discovery

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures 
Episode 2: A New Discovery Deanna opened the door to her apartment and slowly stepped inside. Her mind was still reeling from yesterday’s odd encounter. It seemed like a dream, some vision that hazed between lucidity and phantasm. Was it true? Had she been involved with a pie …

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Deanna 1: Hell Hath No Fury…

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures 
Episode 1: Hell Hath No Fury… Monday! It seemed to start out even more depressing than the day before and the day before that. It had been just over three weeks since Deanna had heard from her boyfriend, Ian McDonnell. Their romance had been going so beautifully, Deanna …

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We’ve brought “Shopping List” back!

Cinnamon, a maid in black pvc, has a dinner party to plan for the evening, and she knows her mistress will put special emphasis on the desserts. Lots and lots of desserts. For some reason, though, she ends up wearing every possibility she comes up with! She ends up covered in pies, pudding, and batter–and …

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Penny’s Peril

— by Shokolada — “Are you ready for the party, little Penny?” Penny had been ready for weeks, ever since Mistress Tamara had told her about the upcoming BDSM Social. She loved the group’s events, and while it hadn’t been mentioned yet, Penny’s birthday was only a few days afterward, and she was hoping that …

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Catering to Her Desires

— by Shokolada — When Linda walked in the room, she wore nothing but panties cut from a black plastic bag and the type of disposable plastic apron often seen in food service. Cameron, on the other hand, was wearing nothing at all, and he caught his breath at the glorious fetish sight of her. …

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Dessert Glass

— by Shokolada — Cameron looked up from the chess game. He’d finally gotten a pawn across the board, and the introduction of another queen had saved his game at the last minute. He let an evil grin spread across his face, and said, “You know what this means, don’t you?” Linda knew very well. …

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