Tag: videos

PieWorks 2013 DVD Release

Five DVD cases displaying the "PieWorks 2013" cover art.

Obviously, I work almost exclusively in digital media, which is to say YouTube views and Internet downloads. However, once in a while for special events, I’ll produce DVD copies of some of our work for sale or giveaway. This recent weekend, I appeared at MarsCon in Williamsburg, VA to appear on their erotica and adult …

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Plasma Pies in Full!

Another gift, for those of you who have registered. PieWorks no longer expects to sell “Plasma Pies” in its current form ever again, and it has been removed from the Video Store. We’re still proud of it, though, so please enjoy this showing free of charge! And thanks so much for supporting the site! We …

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Mars Curiosity special!

Because NASA and human ingenuity are both wonderful, and because we have a model named Kuriosity, you get the benefit! Our latest video, “Dessert Glass” starring her is half-price ($5.00) for a limited time! Our lovely model and the Mars rover have a lot in common: Both Curiosity and Kuriosity are finely engineered creations Both had …

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Dessert Glass – The Movie

Well, the eleven minute video, at least. That’s right: after all these years, we got together the model, the materials, and the tasty sugary goo; and the results are available for your downloading pleasure at the PieWorks video store. But you want at least a taste (heh) of what you will see, right? Kuriosity was …

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Kinkster Trash Pile (very) Short Video

The still seen previously was a capture from this video, which is nothing more than my four kinkster friends rolling around and struggling in their zip-tied trash bags. We didn’t take much footage, though I will say that not all of them were in a hurry to be let out afterwards! Perhaps I can do …

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Can It!

– by Shokolada – (Another tale of Mistress Messiér’s household) My name is AJ Pine, and all I wanted was a cupcake. Oh sure, I’d heard rumors about the sort of things that happened in Mistress Messiér’s house. But I didn’t take them very seriously. The money was good, and plenty of staff made the …

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Safety First, Robin

An air hole visible in a bagging / dumpster scene from 2010

I was talking with friends about the new video, and one of the lines in it suddenly struck me as funny in an unintended way: “ISCAH: And there you go. Mistress said to take the trash out, and I did. You’ve got air holes, so you should be fine until she calms down and I …

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Eighties Trashy Fashion

A present for all of you, while I try to fix the problem with the WordPress link widgets. What’s funny to me is, I’ve built enough trashbag costumes for various purposes that I’m wondering how some of those held together for all that gyrating. I suspect they had to glue the outfits to the poor …

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Gromet’s Plaza has Canned It!

Yes, our latest video shoot is a multimedia extravaganza! By this we mean that there’s a text version of “Can It!” which you can read if you don’t have the video handy at this exact moment. It’s a little different than the video, kind of in the same way the comic book version of a …

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Pie Models’ Appreciation

Remember, I mentioned special members-only posts? Well, here’s the latest: the “Pie Models’ Appreciation” clip! Yes, the models and crew of Pieworks Productions’ “Can It!” show me how much they loved working for me, and I dress for the occasion!