FUNHOUSE Experience, by Burnett

The following true story was sent to me by an actual contestant of FUNHOUSE:

Well, me and my partner lost and didn't get the chance to win any of the big prizes. I was only 12 when I was on the show, pretty young..

What stunts? One was a situation where they had 6 or so pies (all different kinds) laid across a table with messages written on the bottom of the pie plates (Like "Nope!!" or "Try again!!" or "Winner!!").. The first person to pick two pies with "You win!" messages on the bottom of the pie plate won the stunt.

The catch was, in order to play you had to put your face down into the pie, bite down on a little wooden stick glued to the bottom of the plate (I think it was just a broken tongue depressor), and then pick the pie up -- while holding on to it with your teeth -- to reveal the message on the bottom of the pie to the audience.

This is the stunt I remember very well because I a) won it and b) got *very* messy. On my second time I picked a blueberry pie but I couldn't find the thing to bite down on inside the pie -- so I had to move my face around in the pie and I got really messed up...

Another stunt we played involved volunteers from the audience, they each wore a sign across their neck that, when flipped over would reveal either "Guilty!" or "Innocent!".. We were supposed to be detectives -- and our goal was to find the guilty audience members. We took turn picking audience members (each of whom were standing near a bucket of bright colored goop).

If the person we picked was guilty we got to dump the goop over their head, if we picked someone who was innocent the reverse happened. We lost the stunt, I picked all innocent people. The girl I choose was merciful and poured most of the gunk over my hair, but the boy I picked was a cruel bastard -- he poured brown sticky crap all over my face and chest...


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