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The Slapstick Assistant. Part 3, by Jo Sitting in a centre aisle seat I waited for the holiday makers to return to their seats after the interval in the John and Jim Chucky Brothers Summer show at our local theatre. I was a stand in for my flatmate Samantha, who had unfortunetely sprained her ankle. The job of 'assistant' to the brothers had excited me in a way I had never expected. Combined with the messy loss of dignity and comical humiliation of the first two sketches I had almost been brought to a sexual climax. Hot and eager from my earlier antics in the show I watched as the audience, now brimming over with the food and drinks they had consummed, returned from the auditorium and bars. This next sketch required me and another one of the Chucky brothers, Arnie, to be selected as a 'volunteers' from the audience and to just follow the brothers instructions. Arnie, to be honest, was not a pretty sight. His love of fast food, beer, garlic, his dislike of soap and water and his lack of interest in fashion left him at the bottom of my list of people to be anywhere near! My original clothes had been trashed in the two previous sketches. The wardrobe department had provided me with a very tight sleeveless white blouse, red flared skirt, white high heel shoes and a pair of white panties. I was ready to assist the brothers and give the holiday makers an enjoyable evenings entertainment, but not rellishing the thought of being on stage with Arnie. "Excuse me" said a voice at the side of me. I looked up to see a gorgeous guy standing by my side. "My seat is next to you" he said "could I get past you, please?" "Yes, yes p-p-please do" I stammered as I stood up to let him pass. He sat down and smiled at me. "My names Mike and I am very pleased to meet you" And I was pleased to meet him! At that moment the lights dimmed, the curtain rose and the John and Jim strode on stage to raptuous applause. Behind them were a few jugs and bowls on a wooden table and a couple of chairs. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we would like two volunteers to take part in the next part of the show!" Pointing towards me, Jim said "That young lady in the white blouse at the end of the fifth row. Would you like to come up here with us on the stage, miss?" Everyone looked at me as I rose from my seat, trying to look slightly embarrased and unwilling. Jim was about to point out Arnie as the second choice volunteer. Before he had chance to speak I grabbed hold of Mikes arm, pulled him out of his seat and propelled him down the aisle and onto the the stage before Mike realised what was happening. Jim and John looked at me as if I had gone mad! Initially taken aback by my actions, with the little voice of Arnie in the background calling "What about me?" they regained their composure. "And who do we have here with you?" "My boyfriend Mike" I blurted out. Well - he had to be a better choice than Arnie! Mike was slightly taller than me, quite muscular and a smile I could have died for. He wore a blue t-shirt tucked into a pair of white slacks and a pair of white canvas shoes. "I can only hope you are both ready for our act tonight. Please sit on these chairs" "Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to give a demonstration of our skilful use of 'Hypnosis' with these willing young people" Hypnosis! Hypnosis! What were they on about? If they needed two 'volunteers' planted in the audience then they couldn't be much good at it. Anyway Mike wasn't a plant so they looked like failing miserably! Jim stood in front of us. "Just let your eyes follow the movement of this watch as I let it pass before them" A drum roll played in the background as he swung a fob watch on a chain slowly in front of our eyes for a minute or so. "There we have it, dear audience. The happy couple are now under my spell. Only when you hear a drum roll will they return to us" What a load of rubbish I thought. I don't feel any different and Mike still seems alright. Oh well! let them get on with it! "Mike. I think you have stepped in a puddle of water and your socks are wet" said Jim. Mike leant down, removed his shoes and socks and started to wring the socks out as if removing water from them. Then he calmly sat down again. What was going on? Mike surely couldn't be part of the act? Jim turned to me "Now, Miss, I think there is a mouse running up your leg?" Why was I stood on the chair, screaming my head off, lifting my skirt up to my waist and trying to scare away a non existent mouse? This wasn't supposed to happen! My pristine white panties were being flashed at the holiday makers as I leapt up and down on the chair. They were cheering and laughing at my actions. I calmly sat down again. Jim spoke to the happy applauding crowd. "We didn't see a little mouse but we saw a very nice pussy!" I felt hot and flustered from the exertions of leaping about. "Mike, your girlfriend seems rather warm. What do you think you ought to do to cool her down?" Mike looked around, casually picked up a large jug from the table and poured water over my head! I screamed out loud as the icy gusher flowed down my face and saturated my blouse. My hair plastered to my head and my breasts clearly visable through the flimsy material as it clung to my body, my hard nipples protruding. He just stood there smiling at me as if it was nothing to do with him!. John spoke out "Oh dear, I think you have accosted her! Miss, I think a slight retaliation is required" I heard myself shout out, as if someone else had taken over all my actions, "I'll get my own back for that, you horrible man!" I didn't mean to say anything like that but couldn't stop the words coming out. In fact I would have done anything to avoid being nasty to him. I selected a jug of custard from the table, pulled forward the top of his t-shirt and let the yellow slop dribble from the jug into his shirt and meander slowly down his chest. I put the jug back on the table, waited until he looked down to see where the mess had gone, and then smacked the front of the shirt with my hand. A gusher of yellow goo shot up into his face, his mouth, and covered his eyes. What had I done to this man whom I fancied so much? Would he ever forgive me? What else would I be forced to do? To admiring looks from the ladies present, Mike removed his shirt to wipe the mess from his face. His yellow smeared chest glistening in tne spot lights. "I think you ought to respond to that aggressive and cheeky act, don't you, sir?" Mike picked me up by the waist, sat down on his chair with me over his knee, lifted up my skirt, pulled down the back of my panties and smacked me with great vigour on the cheeks of my bottom. The first one made me shout out in pain and suprise, the second in pain but after that each one gave me an inner glow of satisfaction as the domination of his masculinity made me realise that this man was almost certainly on a promise from my good self later in the evening. Eight times his hand rose and fell on my now glowing rear quarters. I really needed this man to give me total satisfaction but this was hardly likely in front of an audience of three hundred people. He gently pulled up my briefs and placed me back on my chair with my tender behind throbbing. Mike sat down with a wide grin on his face. "Miss, I think you need to retaliate. Why not zip into action?!" John said. I was unable to resist his advice. "Yes!" I said "Stand up Mike!" He stood up in front of me. I slowly undid the leather belt on his trousers, whilst looking knowingly at the women in the audience, unbuttoned the top of the trousers and pulled the zip down. My eyes lit up as I gazed at his manhood, barely covered by a pair of blue briefs. I picked up a large jug of green slop and poured it straight into the trousers, pulled up the zip and fastened the top button. The goo oozed down the inside of both his legs and seeped through the material to give a widening damp patch around his crotch. I realised that he was starting to get an erection as the soft material began to bulge outwards. My hand moved closer in an attempt to help him. The look on the faces of the women in the audience showed that they too would have liked to take matters into their own hands!! "Sir, I think the old proverbs are the best -- An eye for an eye; A tooth for a tooth; A mess for a mess!" Mike leaned nearer as I stood motionless, my legs seemed to lose the power of movement, looking straight into my eyes he slowly unfastened the buttons of my blouse. He pulled the garment from my shoulders revealing my ample breasts to the delight of the menfolk. His hands scooped out a large dollop of white cream from one of the bowls on the table. Slowly he rubbed the cream around my breasts - which must have given him as much satisfaction as it did to me. He stood there admiring his work. Obviously no man could have enjoyed it more than he did as the bulge around his crotch increased by the moment. He moved towards me, grabbed hold of my skirt and with a flourish ripped it off and threw it away. Again he scooped his hand into the cream. I stood there with my whole body heaving with anticipation. His fingers deftly pulling forward the elastic of my panties to allow him to plunge the creamy sticky mess down inside. He vigourously massaged the cool exciting mess around my crown jewel. Some of the cream dribbled out of the sides of my panties and slithered down the inside of my legs. I only hoped that the baying multitude didn't realise how close I had become to releasing my sexual juices! "Ladies and Gentlemen, now our two friends will, for your amusement, wash away the mess in this bath of sweet clear water" A backdrop was lifted behind the table to reveal a large pool of fresh clear water. The holiday makers burst into laughter. I was determined to wash away the cream in the welcoming water. "I'll go first" I declared. Why were the audience laughing so much? What did they know that I didn't? Now only clad in the cream on my breasts and a pair of brief white sticky panties, I clambered into the pool and sat down with a huge splash. Something felt slightly wrong but I started to scoop the water up and over my breasts to clean them. "Come on in Mike - the waters lovely" I called out. "Yes my darling, I'm coming to join you!" He pulled down his trousers and stepped out of them all in one movement in his eagerness to bathe with me. The women in the audience almost wetting themselves with anticipation as they saw his bulging briefs. Such was his haste to step over the edge of the pool he lost his balence and landed on top of me, his stiff member a delight to my eyes and conveniently falling into my outstretched hands. We rolled and cavourted, we splashed each other, we washed our hair, we cleaned the whole of our bodies whilst the audience seemed to be getting more and more excited, their voices encouraging us to enjoy the water as our eager hands caressed our throbbing bodies. Jim turned to the cheering crowd "Now is the time to bring our young people back to the real world. Our display of 'Hypnosis' is now over!" A drum roll echoed around the theatre. Mike and I looked at each other in amazement! We had been rolling around in a pool of creamy brown mud! We were completely covered from head to toe in cloying, sticky goo. Only our eyes were visible through the mud, hair plastered down and the messy slop in almost every nook and cranny. As it dawned on us that we had abused each other in such a humiliating way before a crowd of strangers a bond certainly developed between us. Mike looked into my eyes, winked at me, a grin appearing on his face beneath all that mud. He lifted me out of the pool as the audience cheered, carried me off the stage, and gently took me back stage so that we might have a warming shower and could then enjoy the pleasures of entwinning our bodies in a session of sexual activity to the mutual satisfaction of us both. And we did!! To be continued.
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