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The Therapy Session Word of the pie fight from the Turlington College Cooking Class had spread across the campus quickly. One of the young students had become affected by this news greatly. Julie was a pretty young lady, who stood in the 5'10" range, and had a beautifully long pair of legs and her dark hair was pulled back and tied into a shoulder length ponytail. Her only weakness was the mere mention of being hit with a pie. Her phobia had started as a child when at her third birthday party she had seen the party clown smash a big cream pie into her mother's face. While it had actually been a playful surprise played on her mother, the event had traumatized Julie who had believed that it was an attack, and had sent her away screaming. Julie knew though that it was now time to deal with her fear and had made an appointment with the college staff psychiatrist Dr. VonHess. The Doctor was a lady in her mid-forties who still maintained a slight German accent from her upbringing and had kept her looks up with some plastic surgery. Dr. VonHess had dealt with a variety of mental anguish over the years, but this would be the first pie-phobia that she would deal with. She decided that she would treat this patient like anyone of her other phobia patients, by having her face her fear directly, and had gone to the local buyers club and had picked up a case of assorted frozen cream pies. When Julie arrived, Dr. VonHess had made her feel at ease by having her sit back in a large leather chair and discuss the nature of her fear. After 10-15 minutes the Dr. said that Julie should use the bathroom to undress some. Julie believed that this may have been for some type of physical exam, but it was actually done by the Dr. to keep her clothes from getting messed up. Julie came out of the bathroom wearing just her brown pantyhose, that gave her long legs a gorgeous coloring, her red panties, that showed off the nicely rounded shape of her buttocks, and her black bra that held up her banana shaped breasts. Julie walked back over to find that the doctor had placed down some plastic covering over the furniture. The doctor had a single cream pie under the table out of sight that had been sitting out in the room for a while, and was well softened. "Julie, just stand there near the bookshelves and close your eyes." "Doctor what are you going to be doing?" "Not to worry, I will not do anything to you." Julie had closed her eyes, and the doctor took the pie in her left had and stood in front of Julie. "Now give me your left hand", and Julie placed her hand into the doctor's right hand and was put at ease again. "Now give me your right hand", and Julie reached out and placed her hand directly into the pie. She felt around a little bit, and then realized what she had done. Julie let out a small screech and withdrew her hand quickly. A large dollop of the pie flew into the air and landed directly between her two breasts. The chocolate pudding had started to get a little runny, and slowly advanced between her breasts and slid towards her belly button. Julie's anxiety had reached a peak and she was jittering around, and out of habit had ended up wiping the pie from her hand onto the side of her panties. The doctor went over to the supply of pies she was hiding behind her desk and brought back over two more. Julie shook her fear one last time through her body and stood tall once more. The doctor held out one of the pies and said, "Are you ready to fully beat your fear once and for all?". Julie hesitated, and then slowly reached out and gingerly took the pie with both hands. She took a couple of deep breaths, scrunched up her face, held her breath and then, holding the pie on the sides like a newspaper, put it into her own face. Julie dropped the pie to the floor, and dropped her head down with a big exhale, blowing the vanilla cream away from her mouth. She swung her head back and forth a couple times, reminding the doctor of a child's first time diving into the water in the swimming pool. Julie's eyes then brightened up, and she seemed to then realize what she had been missing all those years. She grabbed the other pie from the doctor and took her second pie in the face. Julie now seemed exhilarated, and went over to the stash of pies. She put one arm up and rubbed the next one into her armpit, and then did the other side. The clasp on her bra had come loose, and the bra fell fully forward. She allowed it to drop to the floor, and used the next two pies to cover her breasts back up using a slow circular motion to get the tins to stick there. The next two she placed onto the back of her legs and wiped them down to her knees, and then back up the front of her thighs. She placed the next pie on the stool and sat down directly on it, the cream squished up through her thighs, and she wiggled her rear to force the pie filling through her panties. The remaining pies went by in a blur as she fully encrusted her head and hair with the next 6 or 8, a couple of pies to the stomach, and couple others just thrown into the air that landed all over and splattered down her back and shoulders. Julie was now fully covered in pies, with the cream and pudding mixtures now blending into light and dark swirls. "Doctor, I don't know how to ever Thank You for this. I have lost all fear of cream pies." Dr. VonHess stood there in her tweed business suit looking proudly at her new triumph. Julie picked up one more pie and walked towards the bathroom to clean up and put her clothes back on. She slowed long enough to fire the pie directly into the doctor's face, and it struck with a tinny sounding PANG. "But here's your tip, next time DUCK" Julie said with a grin. The doctor just stood there with custard dripping from her face, knowing that another fine days worth of work had been accomplished, and watched as Julie's pie covered body disappear into the bathroom with creamy pudding oozing out her panties as she walked.
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