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This is a story I wrote by request recently, as you will note it is the first one I've written in many years and is my first attempt at a story of this nature. This story contains strong graphic sex and domination so naturaly if you are not of legal age for this sort of thing DONT READ IT!! Even though you probably will anyway. Being my first like this I am *VERY* interested in feedback and suggestions for if I should do another. On to the story. Sticky Situation Copyright 1997 Ron R. II Personal and website use herein ok'ed by author. Here is my attempt at a story for you. Hope you like it it is the first story I have tried to write since about 5th grade. Sunday, 9am: You decide to check your email before starting your daily routine not realy expecting to hear from anyone, but, you never know what you will find now do you. There is one lone message in your in box, sender unknown, but they must know a *little* about you from the commanding tone of the message. It simply reads: UNIVERSITY STAFF LUNCHROOM: NOON TODAY: BE THERE DRESSED TO KILL!!! NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED. You think to yourself that maybe today won't be so boring after all as you suddenly realise that you have been fingering yourself while reading the mysterious message for the third time. After grabbing another shower to freshen up after your post email excitement you head for the closet to decide what to wear. After a whopping 2 seconds of debate you start dressing for your adventure to come. You start by easing your feet into a full length, sheer and lace, black bodysuit of the sort with gloves at the sleeve ends, slowly and sensually easing the form fitting material up each long smooth leg and smoothing the material as you go. Then you work the suit up over your hips and bust until you are able to zip the last few inches up so it hugs your every curve from neck to toes. You follow this with a black leather skirt that falls to just above mid-thigh that has a slit in the side almost to the waist and a White satin blouse on which you decide to leave the top two buttons undone so the upper half of your cleaveage shows through the body suit. Now you ease your legs into the new black patent leather thigh boots you bought yesterday, feeling yourself get wetter and wetter as the leather forms to your skin as you zip the sides up. Topping all of this with a short read leather jacket and the most perfect hair and makeup job you think you have ever done you decide you are ready to go. Arriving at the university after several stops by the side of the road to take care of a certain personal area which seems to keep demanding attention you make your way to the lunchroom via the one door which seems to be unlocked. Hmmm you think, whoever it is must work here or they wouldn't have a key to the doors on a sunday. As you enter the building you notice that the lights are off except for those which lead like a beacon to the room of your summons. Opening the door with a sense of nervousness, yet coupled with building excitment at what may be coming up you open the door and step through only to find that no one appears to be inside. Advancing a few steps into the room you are startled right into cumming in your body suit when a voice from behind the door says "Don't turn around, I have to lock up." As you hear footsteps receding down the hallway you look around the far side of the room and see several bottles and buckets sitting on a table. From the appearance of the buckets it looks like they are full of paint. You also see some scaffolding so you assume that they are repainting the lunchroom. BANG! you jump as you hear the door slam and click locked behind you not having noticed my return. Stay very still I order you as I move up behind you and ease a blindfold over your eyes. I tell you to follow my every direction as I have learned of your desires to be dominated and plan to use this knowledge to live out a long held fantasy with you, the willing slave. Leading you to the far side of the room I slowly force you to your knees and tell you to wait like that. You hear clinking sounds and wonder what I'm up to as you find yourself getting dizzy with excitment and anticipation. Lick this clean I command as I put something at your mouth, you tentativly stick out your tongue and discover that it is a large spoon covered in honey. Ohhh I'm going to love this you think as spoon after spoon of different delights ranging form peanut butter to butterscotch is placed in front of you. Then at long last what you have been waiting for, you find a cock being eased between your lips all covered in marshmallow cream. Not realising that I am just as hot as you from watching the variety of messy items running down your chin you are caught of guard as I suddenly cum into your mouth with an enormous load of your favorite messy stuff. Once again you find your body out of control as you work your heat back and forth over the heal of your boot, the nylon material of you body suit driving you to a frenzy. Now I order you to stand up which you accomplish with some difficulty as you regain your senses somewhat. You feel me remove your jacket and hear it land on a chair. Now, I tell you, your fun begins. I slowly, yet firmly, run my hands up and down your body from shoulder to calves several times, stopping now and then to pay special attention to your breasts and pussy. On the last pass upward I remove your skirt and blouse and toss it on top of your jacket so you are now standing in place, shivering with anticipation of the unknown, dressed only in a body suit and thigh high boots. I tell you that I have mixed up a special suprise for you and as you feel me yank you towards me by the top of your boots you think I am just going to fuck you silly on a table top, oh how wrong you are you discover as you feel something warm, wet, and sticky start to slowly fill your boots. First the right boot, then the left. You feel it fill in around your toes and squish your feet around in it with growing frenzy as you feel it filling your boots, slowly sensualy covering your feet, up your calves to your knees, finaly tapering off right at the top of your boots. You find yourself on the verge of cumming again as you discover that while you can move around in you boots that it is very difficult due to the weight and pressure of the liquid feeling like your legs are encased in cement. Next you feel me breathing in your ear, kissing and licking your neck and then I wisper in your ear that you are going to love this. Love it you think, I'm going crazy as it is. Your thoughts are interupted as I unzip the top of you bodysuit and you feel more of the cementlike substance start to flow inside. I pull out the neck of your suit one side at a time, filling up your sleeves. You feel dizzy again as you wiggle your fingers in this marvelous all enveloping goop, the nylon of you bodysuit holding it in like a plastic bag. You suddenly erupt yet again as you feel the fluid slowly dripping and oozing over your long-hard nipples, slowly filling your outfit until you feel your whole body encased in a soft yet warm and barely yeilding grip. Once your suit is full I zip it back up to hold in all of the glop possible which is slowly oozing through the mesh of your suit. I order you to play with your breasts, which you happily comply with with some difficulty as your arms are weighed down by whatever it is I poured into your suit. It has a consistency like you have never felt before, smooth and creamy, yet slightly grainy with small lumps mixed in that massage your breasts and whole body in a way you have never felt before. You love it so much that you don't notice anything else until you feel my rock-hard cock slide into you through the crotch of your suit which I have unsnapped while you were distracting yourself into extremes of pleasure. We fall to the floor together sliding around in glop which coats both of us as we frolick and fuck ourselves into an exhausted frenzy. Finaly after what feels eternity, we both cum in wave after wave of uncontrolable pleasure and lust, our juices mixing with that of all the mess around us till we fall apart, exhausted and spent, with our breath ragged in each others ears. Once we recover I help you to your feet and hand you a plastic bag with your blouse and coat in it. leading you to the door I admonish you not to look back and not to cleanup until you get home. Just outside the door I remove the blindfold and you hear the door lock behind you. Looking down you see a pile of empty bags that you hadn't noticed before. The bags say "water soluble, non toxic, WALLPAPER PASTE" in bold lettering. As you start to move away down the hall you hear me say through the door, "You should keep ckecking your email on sundays, we may meet again. All the way home as you find yourself cumming every few miles from the paste oozing more and more slowly around and inside you you wonder how you will ever peel your clothes off if this stuff dries before you get home. As you cum again you decide "who cares". Ron Visit Messy Chris' Quicksand Art Page http://www.wamsat.com/msychris/index.html Updated Weekly. Pics of Fiance Christine in deep mud, clay, & qs. Stories from Wam authors who have provided permission. Links to other great WAM sites. Thanks. Ron R II The Muddy Photographer. - ronrii@pacifier.com & Messy Chris - chrisrg@pacifier.com
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