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Oliver...Hello! Here's something a little different! A fictional tale concerning the imaginary goings on in that seedy 'gentleman's club' in the centre of my mind. Read, enjoy and perhaps let me know what you think... The Show (f/f, food, goo, food and ruined lingerie) ========================================= Two young ladies nervously make their way out onto stage dressed in revealing, ultra low-cut mini-dresses and stiletto heeled shoes. Both girls are in their mid-twenties, pretty, voluptuous and buxom. The first girl, who I shall call 'Emma', has shoulder length red-hair, big greeny-blue eyes and a cheeky smile. The second, who I shall call 'Sarah' is a brunette with lovely long curly locks of hair way down her back and a nice pair of tanned legs. Here's what happens... * After parading and dancing around in their skin-tight mini-dresses, the girls peel them off to reveal daring, white lace bodystocking that can bearly contain the girl's magnificent curves! For a brief moment the girls are spotlessly clean, but soon this is all to change... * A sweet trolley is rolled on and the girls walked round to look at all of the gooey treats. Sarah annouces to everyone how tasty she thinks one of the large strawberry cheesecakes layed out in front of her looks. This is a big mistake! * Smiling, Emma picks up the whole cheesecake and walks over to Sarah. With an even bigger grin she mashes the whole gooey tart right into her face! For good measure Emma makes sure that the sticky cheesecake is well and truly plastered in by rubbing the plate around and around Sarah's face. This makes some of the cheesecake mixture smear over her clean, shiney hair, dropping in lumps down her front and splattering her lovely, deep cleavage with soft pie filling. * Once Sarah has wiped the goo from her eyes and caught her breath the retalliation begins. Emma is busily giggling at what she has just done, but her back is turned. Sarah picks up one of the jugs and creeps up behind her. Without whispering a word the jug is raised above Emma's head. As she tips the full vessel forward the contents begin to pour slowly all over her clean red hair. As the jug is emptied over her it quickly becomes apparent that it is full of creamy rice pudding. This makes a real mess as the stuff oozes over her face, hair and shoulders. Sarah notices that the soft pudding is beginning to all run over Emma's boobs, so just for fun she presses her body against Emma's back, reaches round to the front and slowly starts to massage the slop into her lace clad boobs. This the crowd loved as Sarah's hands make a wonderful squelching sound fondling Emma's rice pudding smothered boobs. * More mess follows as Emma decides to take further action. She takes a whole cream sponge cake from the trolley and walks over to Sarah. Pulling away at the top of her bodystocking she manages to push the whole cake down her costume, but this isn't all!. Emma gently places the palms of her hands on either side of Sarah's boobs. Having positioned the cake between her large breasts there is only one thing left to do: She pushes her boobs together tightly, forcing the jam, cream and sponge to ooze up out of the top of her outfit. Sarah throws back her head, as if in delight, wobbling her jam and cream covered chest at the audience. * Emma is obviously feeling a little outdone by all of this. Sarah seems to be soaking up all of the attention, so it is time for her to do something just as outrageous. She picked up a jug from the trolley containing cold baked beans. Without any warning she raises the jug just above her cleavage, pulling the bodystocking slightly away from her chest. Emma then begins to pour the contents of the jug inside her costume. Poor Emma winces slightly as the tomato sauce feels a little cold against her skin. However, she soon starts to warm as the gunge began to seep through the flimsy lace and ooze down her perfectly flat stomach. Emma then reaches over and grabs Sarah by the arm, pulling her close. To the delight of the audience they embrace tightly, enjoying the soft mess smearing between them, all sticky and close to their skin. * By now the girls are pretty well smothered in food, but this is not going to stop them having fun. Next, each girl takes her turn to dance sexily to some music. As the girls dance, just to add to the mess, the other one stands close by with a can of whipped cream, carefully spraying it all over writhing partner! Emma's back and bottom gets a smothering in cream whilst she is dancing. Sarah, on the other hand, enjoys a good boobful of the soft fluffy stuff. Both girls then take great delight in hand massaging the goo all over the tight lace outline of their bodies. * You would have thought that after a good creaming like that the girls would be done. Not so! On the trolley is a huge bottle of cooking oil. At first it looks like the container was full of water because the girls start to tip it all over each other, washing most of the food off. It isn't long, however, before the realization hits that the girl's bodies are actully becoming very shiney and slippery. Once annointed in the stuff the dancing continues with the girls pulling each other close to fondle each other's slippery curves. The girls really seem to enjoy this, probably because their oily bodies feel erotic sliding all over each other. * Unfortunately for the girls the crowd are anxious for even more mess. Emma and Sarah are happy to oblige! Next a small plastic bath tub is rolled out onto the stage. In the tub there are about 60 to 100 shelled raw eggs just waiting to be crushed by their gorgeous bodies. Both girls gingerly climb into the tub and begin to squeal with delight as egg after eggs starts to crack. The sticky white and yoke begins to fill the tub making Emma and Sarah start to writhe with pleasure. The more they squirm together, the more raw egg gets smeared all over their bodies. Eventually they emerge from the tub, sexy bodystockings soaked through and dripping with yellow runny liquid. * Whilst the gooey pair continue slithering all over each other in the raw egg two members of the audience are invited up to do something really mucky to the girls. Each person is handed a deep, plastic bowl full of cold spaghetti in tomato sauce. Their brief is to tip the slop all over the girls as they wriggle around in the tub. To watch this is wonderful!. The first person tips the spaghetti slowly over Emma's head as we watch the goo slide slowly over her hair, face and boobs. The slimey mess eventually ends up landing with a splat in her lap. This makes a lovely shiney, wet orange stain down her pretty lace outfit. Sarah, however, is invited to push her shapely bottom into the bowl and wriggle her buttocks about in the goo. This she does, pushing the tight lace triangle that covered her backside deep under the sea of sauce. Once her bottom is smeared her boobs take a soaking with the rest of the pasta. * Smothered totally in raw egg and tomato sauce the two brave young ladies clamber out of the tub and pout in front of the audience. Just then Emma waddles up to the front of the stage in her filthy high heels and lingerie, asking the crowd if they have any special requests. This is an open invitation for member of the audience to come up on stage and smear whatever they like all over the girls. The place goes wild as request after request is shouted out to them and the fun starts to begin. * The first person to come up on stage wants to tip a whole jug of custard all over Sarah's lovely boobs. She is very happy to oblige, closing her eyes as the thick yellow goo laps over her huge lace clad chest, falling onto her stomach with a splat! Her boobs are completely smothered in the stuff so she lovingly rubs them with the palms of her hands, leaving her custard smothered nipples very erect. * Emma's request, however, is a little more messy. This particular member of the audience suggests that she is gunged with a bucket mayonaisse. To watch this being poured all over Emma's shoulder's and chest is a delight. As the stiff, creamy salad dressing oozes over her boobs she gently shakes them from side-to-side, causing the slop to run down her cleavage in a thick blob and pour slowly down her stomach. Her whole front is literally submerged in creamy mixture, making a gooey mess of her bodystocking, but the fun is not over. To make the fantasy complete her ample breasts have to be cleaned. In order to do this a can of beer is shaken vigerously and then pulled. As you can imagine the fizzy liquid shoots from the can, frothing into a cool, golden stream. This is pointed directly at Emma's bodystocking washing the yellowy mess away from her boobs and cleavage. She just laughs and giggles as the dirty liquid runs down her legs and onto her high heels. It takes four cans to clear the mess and Emma is in her element soaking up the fun. Eventually she is left with an 'as see-thru as topless' bodystocking and very erect nipples. * By now you would have imagined that the girls would be tired of taking a plastering in all of that food, but they are still as willing as ever. To prove this point a children's rubber paddling pool is brought out onto the stage. The crowd seemed a little dissapointed that it is empty and dry, but they're not kept waiting long. Onto the stage are brought four more buckets. Both girls climb into the pool, still with their shoes on and stand flaunting their wet, shiney bodies to the audience. It is then annouced that two more volunteers are needed to come up and help with the gunging. I can't believe my luck when my name is called to help. My friend and I both eagerly rush up onto the stage to give Emma and Sarah the good sticky plastering they deserve. When up on stage it becomes clear that the buckets were full to the brim with warm porridge. This is going to get really messy! We both pick up a bucket each and raised them up to the girl's shoulders. They both look stunning from the rear in their tight, food smeared lingerie. The music starts to play once more and the girls began to step and twirl, dance. I notice that Sarah keeps looking over her shoulder and smiling at me, almost as if she wants me to do something. Just then I realise what I should do. Simultaneously my friend and I begin to tip the buckets of warm slop all over the girl's shoulders and egg-yoke matted hair. Sarah lets out a little squeal and begins to shiver as the thick oatmeal runs down her arms and back. Despite this hinderance, however, she still manages to maintain her sexy little dance, wriggling her curvy figure inside the wet bodystocking. * The crowd are anxious that the rest of her body take the plastering it deserves, so my friend and I set about coating the girl's with an even layer of soft porridge. I moved round to Sarah's front and pause for a moment to watch her wobble her boobs and squirm her tummy in time to the music. She can see me stairing and gives me a friendly little smile. I then raise the bucket just in front of her boobs and poured out the remaining contents all over her chest. The gooey stuff slops down her front in good thick waves. I don't know if the girl's really felt disgusted or turned on by having this done to them, but Sarah seems to be enjoying it! As I tip the rest of the porridge over her I work down her body so that her tummy and legs get an even splurging as well. The second bucket of soft, warm mess we take less care with. I raise my second bucket right above Sarah's head and very quickly turn it upside-down, pushing the whole vessel right over her hair. This means for a few moments her head is entirely submerged in sticky oatmeal. Waiting awhile I watched as even more slop engulfs her shoulders and boobs. When the bucket is empty she carefully lifts it from her head and opens her mouth to gasp for air. It is the most amazing sight! She is completely unrecognizable, being totally smothered in the runny ooze, until she slicks back her long hair and then wipes the stuff from her eyes with her hands. Then you can just about make out the girl underneath. Both Emma and Sarah are in a similar state of filthiness, but not in the least bothered. They simply carry on dancing to the music and begin to rub the soft oatmeal over their skin in a very sexy way. Just for the thrill of it the two girls take turns to massage the porridge all over each other's throbbing lace clad boobs. * It seems as if this kind of total body sliming would be their final offering for us, but the girls are not finished yet! Two more members of the audience are volunteered to help clean the girls up. Each person is given a hosepipe which, where turned on, produces a lovely stream of cool, clear water. The two lucky guys can't wait to get stuck in! Each point their flow of water straight at the girls, whilst we watch in awe as all of of the mess and muck that has been plastered over the girls is gently washed away. The two girls assist by rubbing their skin as the water touches it, slowing returning their bodies back to a clean and shiney state. They really seem to be enjoying getting cleaned up in front of the audience and once they've hosed down the muck off of their high heels, the girls step out of the tub and give each other a big hug. Their bodystockings are now completely drenced and see-thru. Emma and Sarah have been such great sports letting themselves get into such a sticky mess with so little on. * At this point the Emma and Sarah leave the stage, presumably to get dry and put their clothes back on. However, about half an hour later a very large large rubber pool is dragged out and placed into the middle of the stage. The top of the pool is covered, but the contents inside looked very heavy indeed. About fifteen minutes later we are surprised to see the two girls parading back out onto the stage, looking very pleased with themselves! They had cleaned themselves up as best as they could, but are still wearing their wet, see-thru bodystockings and high heels. Just then the music comes to an abrupt halt and an announcment is made. The girls were going to have a wrestling match in the tub. The thought of this is exciting, but when the cover is pulled from the pool it becomes apparent that this is going to become one of the messiest nights ever. The tub itself is about eight feet in diameter and filled about a foot deep with cold, sloppy baked beans. The girls, who are standing next to the tub arm in arm, do not seem to have any quarms at all about diving into the mess and look eager to do so. * Brave Emma takes the lead, kicking off her high heels and then placing her feet gingerly into the vat of runny tomato sauce and beans. Once she had got used to cold slop lapping at her ankles she takes the plunge and sits right down. Her lovely curved thighs pushing a large wave of beans to either side as her buttocks meet with the soft goo. Sarah is less reserved, jumping into the tub with a splat, landing right on her backside and giggling. Once the girls have taken their ends in the tub the wrestling match is ready to begin. The crowd go wild as the girls grab hold of each other's arms and began to struggle playfully with each other. I can't remember anything else turning me as much as these two buxom beauties writhing around, getting covered in sloppy orange sauce! I watch in awe as the two girls roll over and over in the beans with more and more of the stuff sticking to them. They are unbelievably slippery wriggling around in the vat or gunge, wet bodystockings glistening as the slime oozes and runs down their curves. Most of the wrestling was is not actually holds but what looks like the girl's enjoying the thrill of massaging beans all over each other! * Eventually the girl's frienzied beans brawling results in a real eye opener for the crowd. Emma is sitting on Sarah's lap trying to wriggle free from her grasp, when a careless hand snaps her bodystocking strap. Emma seizes the opportunity and tugs the front of her costume. For this she is rewarded as Emma's slippery, sauce smothered boobs spill from the tight bodace. It's not long before both girls are topless and writhing around in the beans wear just the tight-pulled lower halves of their ripped bodystockings. The reminants of their lacy lingerie is now rolled up to form what looks skimpy little g-strings, beneath the coating of smooth, gooey sauce. The expensive looking bodystockings are finally ruined beyond repair; shreaded, torn and very wet! * Finally the girls climb from their giant gooey bean bath glistening, wet and beautiful. Every inch of theirs bodies from hair to toes is dripping with creamy tomato sauce and soft baked beans. What a night... Oliver... (shokolada@chocmess.com)
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