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Bathtub Fun, by by SpinyNorman (SpinyNorman_and_Frilly@compuserve.com) Nicki sat in the bathtub, her heart beating with anticipation. Had she read the signs right? Would Paul be thrilled or bemused by the scene that would be presented to him as he entered the bathroom. Nicki had picked up enough vibes from him to suggest that he was at more than a little intrigued by the notion of getting messy, and there had been that messy magazine that she had found when clearing up his desk. What a supprise that had been, she had harboured fantasies about getting messy for years, but had only ever acted them out on her own, unsure of the reaction of others. To find a magazine devoted to messy erotica was a revelation. On discovering the magazine and flicking through the pages, enthralled by the pictures of girls covered in custard, treacle, cream and chocolate sauce, she had become incredibly aroused. She had quickly rushed around to her side of the bed to study the magazine more closely. Page after page of the most wonderfully messy pictures. Then she began to read some of the letters and articles, and as she did so she became more and more aroused. As she read the magazine she reached down to her pants and began to rub her mound, feeling the wetness begin to seep through the front of the white cotton. This was amazing, she continued read getting hornier by the second. She looked up, and seeing the large tub of skin cream on her dressing table, she dipped her fingers in and removed a large blob. Putting the magazine down she opened up the front of her pants and thrust in her cream covered hand. She worked the cream into her pussy, stroking her clit with her fingers in slow luxurious circles. Glancing down at a picture of two girls filling each others swimsuits with custard, Nicki reached over and grabbed a bottle of after sun gel. She placed the bottle down the front of her pants and then emptied the contents inside. She gasped as the cotton filled out with the creamy coolness of the gel. Nicki massaged the front of her pants into her pussy while she scanned the room for more stuff to play with. She found Pauls hair gel, this quickly found its way into the back of her pants. Nicki began to rock back and forth as she worked the goo into her pussy and butthole, both hands inside her pants now, the goo penetrating deep inside her from both ends. That had happened a few days ago. Paul questioned the disappearance of his hair gel but otherwise suspected nothing. And now here she was waiting for him to return home from the liquor store, she was dressed in his favourite bright red bikini, her long blonde hair a mass of curls, surrounded by a huge array of messy substances. Notes and signs would direct him upstairs to the bathroom, Nicki had told him she had a supprise for him. Suddenly she heard a car pull up, she began to breath rapidly, this is it she thought. She heard the door, then silence, then footsteps leading away towards the kitchen, more silence then footsteps coming up the stairs towards her. The bathroom door opened and in came Paul. The weather was warm and he was wearing shorts and t-shirt. On seeing Nicki he smiled taking in the site of her in that red shiny bikini he loved so much, her nipples jutting provocatively through the material. She looked as pretty as a picture. Then his eyes swept the room, with a look of astonishment and then excitement. Nicki saw the look in Pauls eyes, and then the tell tale bulge in his shorts and shivered with delight. "We should have tried this some time ago" she said, and with that she picked up a container of corn oil and proceeded to pour it over her breasts. The translucent liquid cascaded down the front of her body making it shine and shimmer. She pulled open the cups of her bikini top exposing her erect nipples and filled each one in turn. Then Nicki pulled out the front of her pants and waves of the liquid flowed inside, then it was back to her top, this time she pulled each cup down leaving her breasts uncovered, the material forcing them upwards as she emptied the remaining oil over her breasts. Paul looked on, a huge grin sweeping over his face and a massive erection attempting to burst out of his shorts. "What can I say" "No need to say anything yet, just sit on the stool and enjoy the show." Paul sat down and looked on. Nicki was working the oil into her body and obviously becoming very aroused. He felt as if his cock would burst. Nicki reached out for another container, the lights shining off her glistening body. This time she scooped out handfuls of strawberry jam, and after recovering her breasts with her bikini top she proceeded to fill each cup in turn with the sticky red substance. Then she raised herself up onto her knees. She pulled out the front of her bikini pants and looked Paul straight in the eye, then she tipped up the container and jam slowly trickled and then cascaded into her crotch. When her pants were full she let her pants go, the material springing back into place with a "thwack"!! Nicki began to massage the front of her pants, the jam worked its way into her pussy, dribbles of it squelching out through the sides and running down her legs. "You seem to getting a bit uncomfortable there, why don't you get that nice big cock of yours out and play with yourself." Nicki was feeling hornier than she ever had before, with a mixture of both immense power and excitement. Paul did as she suggested, slipping of his shorts he sat back down and began to slowly work his foreskin back and forth. Nicki stared at Pauls cock for a while then she put her hand down the front of her pants and slipped two fingers into her vagina. It was a glorious mess inside the bikini pants as she worked her fingers in and out. She withdrew her hand and placed her fingers into her mouth sucking them clean. "Are you enjoying the show". Paul grinned broadly, "Its the best I've ever seen". Nicki reached out and grabbed three bottles of tomato ketchup, the tops already removed. Turning the bottles upside down she placed one down the front of her bikini pants and the other two down the back. The pants strained a little under the weight and they slipped down a little revealing the sides of her hips. Nicki grinned as the ketchup slowly emptied out and filled her pants, and carefully picking up a large flan case filled with trifle she murmured, "So fucking good", and with that she hurled the trifle into her face with both hands. "Come on Paul, cover me". Grabbing the nearest bucket he poured the contents over her blonde hair, chocolate sauce cascaded down washing away the trifle, and settling into her lap. He quickly unfastened her bikini top and whacked a pie into each breast. Nicki had by now wriggled out of her bikini and with two fingers inside her she jacked of Pauls cock, the head glistening in front of her eyes. "Get into the bathtub with me, quick!" she cried. Paul got into the tub and stood facing Nicki, she reached down to the mess that was lying between her legs and scooped up several handfuls, massaging it into his groin. "I'm not going to last much longer with that sort of attention", he gasped. "Hit me with everything", and with that she fastened her lips over his cock and began to rock back and forth. Paul went for everything that was in reach, custard flowed over Nickis head, peanut butter was rubbed into her breasts, pies sandwiched her head between them, and then as he felt his orgasm mounting more chocolate sauce smoothed down her curls as it flowed over her body. He reached his orgasm with Nickis mouth clasped tightly over his mouth, he sank to his knees and hugged Nicki as they kissed. She lay back and he rested on top of her, luxuriating in the feel of her body beneath him as they slipped and slurped together. "Don't get to comfortable there" said Nicki, once we clean up I want some serious attention from you with the help of a few tubs of body cream. "And don't tell me" Paul had a knowing look in his eye, "Your also going to borrow some more of my hair gel". Chris.
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