Just over a week from this post, I’ll be heading to Colonial Kink in Williamsburg, VA to present three classes and enjoy myself hanging out with some really hoopy froods. The event’s shaping up to be a blast, and you can learn more by heading to their website at http://colonialkink.com – but in the meantime, here’s my own presenting schedule.
Saturday, 9:00 – 10:30
— Wrapping Up the Scene – Mummification and Encasement —
The ultimate restraint! We’ll discuss binding a bottom from neck to toes or even farther, wrapping and/or packing them for teasing, play, quiet time, or storage; with an emphasis on maximum fun and safety. Stick around for the demonstrations!
Saturday, 11:00 – 12:30
— Does This Make Me Look Scared? Secrets of Proud Crossdressing —
BDSM tradition often considers crossdressers to be restricted to roles such as sissies, transgendered folk, and the forcibly feminized. Shokolada shows how kinky reality includes those roles and continues beyond them, with identities such as genderqueers, role-players, gendergamers, fashion plates, and more. Don’t let the dress or the pants control you – make your clothes part of who you are! Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite gender-crossing clothing, as this class often turns into an impromptu fashion show.
Saturday, 2:00 – 3:30
— Fetish Hits the Fan: Kink in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Fandom —
Today’s society includes a subculture of folks in exotic clothes, wickedly sharp weapons, a taste for expensive toys, and a delight in taking in pain and handing it out; but that’s the Klingons for you. Shokolada examines the common threads in the kink lifestyle and science-fiction/fantasy fandom, and their increasing tendency to overlap. When aftercare includes a discussion over whether Han shot first or Pluto is still a planet; when more and more folks show up at Comic-Cons wearing PVC or latex; well, then it’s more than an organization, it’s a movement!
There’s lots else to check out, including classes from my friends Mako Allen, Mary Kay, Master Wes, and Lady Lynnette; so it’s well worth a look. If you head out there, don’t be afraid to come up and say hi – I’ll probably be the bearded gentleman in the vinyl dress 🙂