Yes, our latest video shoot is a multimedia extravaganza! By this we mean that there’s a text version of “Can It!” which you can read if you don’t have the video handy at this exact moment. It’s a little different than the video, kind of in the same way the comic book version of a move adds some bits and removes others.
I’ll certainly be posting it here soon, but why would you want to wait? Head over to the amazing Gromet’s Plaza website, enter, and click the trashcanstories link under “Other Worlds”. For a while, you’ll see “Can It!” under “New Stories”, but if it’s not there, go ahead and click the “Authors” link and look for me! Why, there’s even a handy link to the video download page if the story inspires you?
Gromet rules, and it has been my privilege to be associated with his site the last few years.