Because you asked for it! Some of you, anyway. Yes, this would make for a great PieWorks video… just need a model who can sing! —– Lick It Off! I really must confess My life it’s just a mess But that’s the way it goes, mm-hm That’s the way it goes I got way too …
Category: Geekery
Staging an Intervention
Next month, I’m going to an Intervention. You should too, and bring your friends! Intervention, now in its fifth year, bills itself as “The Premier Showcase of Online Creativitry: Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, and Makers”. That’s pretty accurate from what I’ve seen, and I’ve been going for the last three years. From a distance, it looks …
Cartoon Ponies and Kink
I enjoy the new My Little Pony cartoon series. It’s pleasant, generally well-written fluff and has even managed to sell me a toy or two, which is obviously its reason to be. My girlfriend and I have even cosplayed “Equestria Girls”, the magically-transformed human version of the Ponies. But since I do have a crowded, …
Girls With Slingshots Cameo
I made a guest appearance in today’s Girls With Slingshots webcomic! That is indeed me, by the way. I’ve met Danielle at Katsucon and Intervention (both awesome cons, BTW) and she’s a lovely, fascinating woman. So I’m glad to score a cameo spot. Hard to imagine someone in 2014 who doesn’t check their e-mail for …
Whether it be a fan con or a lifestyle event, from this day forward I will do everything in my power to make sure that every convention with which I am involved has an anti-harassment policy in place, well-publicized, and enforced. For decades, I have been under the impression that fans and kinky people were …
Agents of S.H.O.K.O.L.A.D.A.
A Twitter conversation… [friend]: Awesome thing I forgot to mention earlier: I finally have an official domain registration account 😀 [me]: I’m guessing I can’t bribe you to register “” for me, though. 😛 [friend]: *giggles* Not really, unless you can come up with some official-y agency or program acronym that matches 😛 [me]: …
Pi(e) Day 2013
Visitors here probably know this already, but “pi” (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) is approximately 3.14, which is close to the way Americans often write March 14th (3/14). So, geeks have been declaring March 14th as Pi Day for the last several years, and celebrating with tasty confection. As …
Steampunk and Pie
When I have some money lying around for a Steam videogame purchase or two, I may need to pick this up and try it. Really, it’s the music that’s selling this one. And pie! Though on the other hand, I am a little sorry the trailer’s through, since thanks to them we may never …
Girls with Slingshots
And now, I would like to take a moment and plug the excellent webcomic “Girls with Slingshots” by the charming Danielle Corsetto. I am doing this in part because I’ve enjoyed her work for years and wish to encourage people to support her strip, and in part because I accidentally got to have dinner with …
Strangely Obsessed With Tubs of Jelly
So, this is a song from a My Little Pony episode where three little girl ponies are trying to find their teacher a boyfriend. My friend Maya says that she thought of me instantly when she saw the “tubs of jelly” pony – especially the *interesting* smile on his face 🙂