Category: Messy


My new cryptocurrency is called PieCoin. It’s only redeemable for pies in the face (and other places); but nevertheless I expect it to do very well, so be ready to get in on the ground floor. Our PieCoin cryptocurrency is in negotiations with CakeInTheFaceCoin and PuddingDownYourKnickersCoin, so stay tuned for details on possible exchange rates.

Maid Dress Replacement

This dress was destroyed in an amazing pie scene (“Indiscretion” trailer). No regrets, this was always going to be its fate, but I want to replace it and no one makes it anymore. Sadface 🙁

Dungeon SploshNirvana

In a plastic-lined dungeon, Cool Whip in my hair Rich smooth brownie batter Pouring down through the air Over there on the table, I saw a line-up of pies My heart rate quickened and my mind grew dim My temperature started to rise… There she stood wearing latex; I heard the DJ’s mix And I …

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Bawdy Slapstick at Intervention

I’ve been holding on to this until I could formally announce it, but it’s official: I will be at Intervention 2015 in Washington DC, presenting a panel on “Bawdy Slapstick on a Budget” – or how to get into naughty indie video production and distribution in the Internet Age! I’ll be showing some samples of …

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Song Parody – “Lick It Off!”

Because you asked for it! Some of you, anyway. Yes, this would make for a great PieWorks video… just need a model who can sing! —– Lick It Off! I really must confess My life it’s just a mess But that’s the way it goes, mm-hm That’s the way it goes I got way too …

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Happy Pi Day 2014

Happy Pi Day, everyone! Do something irrational today!

PieWorks 2013 DVD Release

Five DVD cases displaying the "PieWorks 2013" cover art.

Obviously, I work almost exclusively in digital media, which is to say YouTube views and Internet downloads. However, once in a while for special events, I’ll produce DVD copies of some of our work for sale or giveaway. This recent weekend, I appeared at MarsCon in Williamsburg, VA to appear on their erotica and adult …

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Pi(e) Day 2013

Visitors here probably know this already, but “pi” (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) is approximately 3.14, which is close to the way Americans often write March 14th (3/14). So, geeks have been declaring March 14th as Pi Day for the last several years, and celebrating with tasty confection. As …

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Debauchery 2012 messy demo

Maya Kralovna enjoys a vanilla pudding facial at the Debauchery 2013 messyplay demo.

Did you know I’ve been officially announced as a presenter for Debauchery 2013, a pansexual, sex-positive, educational event in Greensboro, NC? Well, I have, and I’m going to be presenting my class on Discordianism and Kink for the first time there.  I’m looking forward to it: the organizers and staff are wonderful folk, and I’ve had an incredible …

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Plasma Pies in Full!

Another gift, for those of you who have registered. PieWorks no longer expects to sell “Plasma Pies” in its current form ever again, and it has been removed from the Video Store. We’re still proud of it, though, so please enjoy this showing free of charge! And thanks so much for supporting the site! We …

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