— by Argus — As she walked in from of me, I grabbed the towel that was her only garment, and I tossed it out of the window. “Oh crap!” she said, “Now I’m naked!” She stood in front of me, her hands on her hips. She smiled and grabbed my towel and tossed it …
Tag: Argus
Pie Story 2
— by Argus — My girlfriend and I are big pie-fans. Pie-rotica. We get naked, we throw big cream pies at each other, we laugh like crazy, and we, by degrees, get into some great lovemaking. Crazy. Fun, silly, and wildly erotic. She and I met at a party… she is a gorgeous woman, a …
— by Argus — Note: what follows is part one of one person’s story of discovery and exploration into getting messy. The original text was edited a little, some spelling fixed, some words fished for until the right ones were discovered. ———————————————————————- Part 1: The early years! Ok, to start with, this is an …
Dialogue 2
— by Argus — Hi gang. I wrote the following in a hurry to send off to my gf in order to cheer her up after a stressful day. As it turns out, it may lead to a good story. I post it here for fun *and* for comments & criticism (constructive, please). My gf …
Dialog 1
— by Argus — This is an actual clip from an ICQ chat. The nicks were changed to confuse the guilty… —– Him: get this. Him: you: hands tied. Him: ankles tied. Her: mmmmm Him: On knees , on bed or in bathtub…. Him: in something I can remove without untying you. Him: or naked… …
In Front of the Camera
— by Argus — I asked her what she’d like to do as her part in front of the camera. She replied “To take off my clothes and to mess around with whip cream”. My hair stood on end! I asked her for examples. She said, “Well, I’d get naked, and then…play around. You know, …
Banana Cream
— by Argus — “Hey, look what I have” I said. I held the very large banana cream pie in my hand. “Ooh, yum! Can I have some?” She asked. “Well, maybe. Only if you take off your clothes!” “Oh, come on!” She said. “Really”, I said, “No kidding! C’mon, take off your clothes. Get …