Category: Messy

Messy Bagging Game

— by Shokolada — (I wrote this a long time ago on the instructions of a dominant friend; after reading this, she mentioned that she knew what to do with me next time we met…) We’re at your house on Saturday afternoon, and have been cuddling and fooling around for a while. You can tell …

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Ready For Transport

– by Shokolada – She looked out at the blasted landscape before her. Huge shadows moved in the valleys below, cloaked in twilight, and perhaps something else. Inhuman cries drifted into the air alongside faint sounds of rending and smashing. “I… I can’t believe it’s all gone,” she said to the quiet, robed form beside …

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Can It!

– by Shokolada – (Another tale of Mistress Messiér’s household) My name is AJ Pine, and all I wanted was a cupcake. Oh sure, I’d heard rumors about the sort of things that happened in Mistress Messiér’s house. But I didn’t take them very seriously. The money was good, and plenty of staff made the …

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Lost Weekend

– by Cinnamon – I reserve us a hotel room for the weekend, and we arrange to meet there on a Friday afternoon – you after a drive down, and me after an early day at work. When you arrive at the hotel in Norfolk, you find I have arrived before you and welcomed you …

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One More Splatterday Night

– by The Mongoose – Denise was kicking back one Saturday afternoon, getting some studying out of the way, when Jamie burst into her room wearing a big grin. “Yo, Denise. Watcha doing tonight?” “I should keep studying, but I wouldn’t mind hitting a party later.” responded Denise. “Do you know about any?” “Funny you …

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The Initiation

– Author Unknown – At Florida Tech, for approximately $80,000, after 4 or so years, one could get a piece of paper that led to a high paying engineering job. Jamie, however, wasn’t looking for work. She was looking for a husband; preferably one with a high paying engineering job awaiting him upon graduation. Unfortunately …

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— by Shokolada— Jeanette checked the batteries in the camera. They were fully charged, and the memory card was clear. * Cold, sticky slickness slid down her chest, slipping over her nipple and making it jump to attention. Paula’s tongue swooped in to clear some of the vanilla-flavored tracks left behind, coming so close to …

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The Sticky Adventures Of Little Red Riding Hood

— by PieKitty — Once upon a time, there was a young woman who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, she wore a red hooded outfit, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. She also had long red hair, which probably contributed to the nickname. One …

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Deanna 3: A Slice of Humble Pie

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures Episode 3: A Slice of Humble Pie Deanna rolled over and touched the alarm button on her bedside clock. The annoying beeping stopped. It was time to get up and get ready for work. Of course, "getting up" would presuppose that one had been asleep. That had not …

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Deanna 2: A New Discovery

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures 
Episode 2: A New Discovery Deanna opened the door to her apartment and slowly stepped inside. Her mind was still reeling from yesterday’s odd encounter. It seemed like a dream, some vision that hazed between lucidity and phantasm. Was it true? Had she been involved with a pie …

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