Category: Messy

MessTery Sploshing Theater #1

That’s right, it’s been ages in the making, but tonight you can listen to our very first audio production here at the Mess; a reading of my story “Gunge Bondage”! We have big plans for our little Theater, so we hope you enjoy what you hear! This first episode, and many in the future, will be …

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— by Shokolada— Jeanette checked the batteries in the camera. They were fully charged, and the memory card was clear. * Cold, sticky slickness slid down her chest, slipping over her nipple and making it jump to attention. Paula’s tongue swooped in to clear some of the vanilla-flavored tracks left behind, coming so close to …

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Shokolada’s Pie Punishment

Here’s the first dose of special content for those who have registered here. This one’s from the vaults… one of my amazing playmates dishing out the messy punishment she thought I deserved. What had I done? Aw, who cares? [qt:/movies/shoks-pie-punish-crop.m4v /gfx/shoks-pie-punish-crop.jpg /movies/shoks-pie-punish-crop.m4v 640 360] As you can probably tell by the amount of hair I …

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The Sticky Adventures Of Little Red Riding Hood

— by PieKitty — Once upon a time, there was a young woman who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, she wore a red hooded outfit, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. She also had long red hair, which probably contributed to the nickname. One …

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It Also Goes Ding When There’s Stuff

This is a test. This is a test of the Shokolada’s Mess -> Shokolada’s LiveJournal Emergency Crossposting System. Had this been a real emergency, you would be notified that the Flying Pie Monster had been sighted in your vicinity, and advised to put on something plastic… or nothing at all. This is only a test.

Framing Your Mess

A few lovely folks have recently asked me what we used to hold up the big trash bag for my birthday sploshing and for the Bakery Trash video seen elsewhere on this site. Well, I have to say, it was pretty exotic, expensive, and customized to our needs… I went over to the Wal-Mart and …

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Messy Birthday 2007

Shokolada sitting in a big trash bag, covered in pie and pudding

This is by far the most popular picture I’ve ever posted on FetLife. I’ve got to do it again sometime soon… it was so amazing the first time! Here’s how it went down: Imagine a dessert list with 25 whipped cream pies — 4 buckets each full of a different color of cake batter — …

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Deanna 4: A Special Boss’ Day

— by Robyn — Deanna’s Messy Adventures Episode 4: A Special Boss’ Day “Would you mind repeating that?” Deanna asked as she stood up from the chair. “I want you to tie me up and get me messy, just like you did to Margaret and Veronica the other day,” repeated Kelly. “When I saw the …

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Cake Batter Squirt Gun

A homemade gun for squirting cake batter.

For an upcoming shoot, and my own personal entertainment, today I built a cake batter squirt gun from a modified caulking gun framework and a custom ‘ammo’ cartridge. (Easy cleaning and replacement.) One fires by squeezing the trigger and pushing the pressing handle. Not accurate, but it hardly needs to be! Testing will begin as …

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The Messily Radio Theater on the Air

Thanks to contributor Jourgo, I have the complete run of the Deanna’s Adventures stories. Some are mud tales instead of messy dessert but I may post them anyway 🙂 Question: would the visitors to this site be interested in purchasing readings of some of our stories? Or perhaps even fully-acted skit versions, with multiple voice …

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