The Quiz Show

— by Burnett —

You are standing on stage naked. You just lost the stripping round of the game. The gorgeous girl you are competeing against laughs at you. Naked in front of an entire audience of women. They all came just to watch you be humiliated. They think you couldn’t possibly win.

The host asks the next question. This is the messy round. If you answer wrong or don’t answer you get a messy punishment. The girl next to you buzzes in and answers correctly before you can even think of anything. “Idaho,” she says with a smirk.

“Yes,” says the host,”and what is Idaho famous for?”

You can tell he’s asking you. You utter the answer just as twenty gallons of mashed potatos sloshes over you from high above. It blankets your nude body in white.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” the girl cackles.

“Yes,” says the host. And just then thirty gallons of brown gravy covers you. You wipe the goo from your eyes and the first thing you see is the girl next to you. She won the stripping round and ended up fully clothed, but for this round she is wearing a tiny black bikini that barely hides anything. You know she’ll have to mess up at least once and you can’t wait.

The next question comes. Because of the potato’s in your ears you can’t hear the question, but the answer turns out to be Pennsylvania. You know what that means: Hershy’s chocolate, this time applied from a bucket by your lovely advarsary. She pours it slowly and laughs the entire time.

“And you know Penn state is also famous for tennis balls, but they aren’t very messy so….” And with that thirty tennis players come out from back-stage with pies in their hands. Some are chocolate cream, some are bannana cream, some are blueberry, and some you can’t identify. They line up and throw everyone of them at you. Every one is a direct hit. Once again there is righetous laughter from the audience.

Now you are mad. You know you’ll get the next question and get to slop that little bitch beside you. You give her a threatening look that says, “I’m gonna get you good.” She just smiles and giggles.

The next question is hard, but she still knows the anwer. Italy. Now you get tomato sauce hurled at you out of buckets by members of the audience. You stand there naked covered in slime and slop and feeling totally humiliated.

“Next Round!,” the host shouts. The Third round. You’re naked again, but the round can’t start with you all messy. From high above in the rafters ice cold water pours over you. Gallon after Gallon. You feel like you’ll never be warm again. Then it stops. You are clean, but freezing.

Now comes the great part. They select audience members to participate (did I mention the audience is ALL WOMEN!!!). Any way they pick three out of the audience. One is a short blonde with huge breasts and a great ass. The next is a tall brunette. Average, but still attractive. The next is quite chubby. She has soft brown hair that makes her look pretty good instead of just fat. All three are whisked off stage by a huge stud in a thong that bulges way too much. A minute or two later the three re-appear on stage. The blond is wearing a red bikini, the brunette is wearing a green one, and the overweight girl is wearing a pink bikini that looks about to snap.

The stud escorts you all up onto a platform where there are five dunk tank style seats hanging over the edge of a huge pool of blue goop. You each take a seat on one of the small outcrops. This game is similar to the last as the host explains. All the contestants are asked questions, and if they answer incorrectly they get dumped. The fat girl seems to have missed this fact until now. She turns red and looks very uncomfortable, but she doesn’t try to back out. Instead she starts giggling uncontrolably, though not too loudly. The other three just look at you like they’ve already won this whole game.

“After three dunks”, the host continues, “the audience participants are elliminated and must return their costumes while on stage”. At this the fat girl gets even more excited. “Our two regular contestants play, and get dunked until all three audience participants are eliminated.” Now you’re in for it, you think.

The first question goes to the blonde. She answers right and then gives you a smirk. Next is the brunette. She answers her question right as well. Then it’s your competitors turn. She ALSO gets her question right. Now you. Your question is about physics and you don’t even understand the answer after the host reads it to you, much less get it right. The seat gives out from under you and down you go.

When you first saw it the tank only looked a couple feet deep, but you get completely submerged. It must be deeper than you thought. You stand up and wipe the blue slime off your face. Now everyone is laughing at you. The fat girl in the pink bikini is laughing so hard she starts to fall off her seat and into the awaiting blue slop, but she steadies herself at the last moment. “Damn,” you think. That would have been your only revenge so far!

Next the fat girl gets her question. and… she misses it! Everyone gasps as her seat gives way and she plunges into the deep blue slop. She submerges as well, and comes up sputtering and completely slimed. She’s laughing. You can’t believe it but she’s laughing, and since you haven’t gotten out of the slime yourself yet, you notice something no one else does. She has her hand down the front of the bottom of her bikini! She loves this!!! You both remount the platform and take your seats. The fat girl is smiling broadly as you sit all sullen and stuff.

“And now”, yells the host,”Time for a new color.” The vat of slime under you is rolled away by the stage-studs and a new one is rolled out. This time the slime is bright pink and it looks quite a bit thicker than the blue. Once again the first three girls get their questions right, and once again you get pissed at their intellignce. Your question. You miss it. Into the pink slop. Once again you get submerged. You stand up in the middle of the goo. You are pink from head to toe and one of the girls say “Oh, that color is SOOOO you.” You want to splash her, but that would disqualify you. Not really a problem except that then you can’t get any revenge on the blond you’re playing against.

Next is the fat girl. Again she misses her question and is again dunked into the slime. This time she screams with pleasure as she falls. She is really getting in to this, but with her next dunk she gets disqualified. You both crawl back up onto your seats. The next tank is rolled out and this time it’s water. The fat girl is kind of disapointed. The first round with the water no one answers a question wrong. “They gave me an easy one so I wouldn’t get cleaned off any”, you think.

In the second round the first two girls both miss and are dunked, but it’s only water and they both only go in up to their tits. Your competitor gets her question right again, as do you. By now the fat girl is quiet depressed. She only has one dunk left, and she apparently loves mess, but not water. When her question comes up she gets it right, but the host decides to reward her for it.

“My dear”, he says,” I can see you aren’t having much fun now, so maybe this will cheer you up.” and with that one of the stage studs reaches his hand around her head and smashes a chocolate cream pie in her sad face. Now she is giggling again, and everybody is happy except you.

For some reason the water stays around for a couple more rounds. Just long enough for the first two girls to be disqualified. Seeing them go is great in acouple ways. First you get to see them both naked on stage, and that means you won’t have to get too much messier in this round. Both you and the blond get all your questions right. So does the fat girl, and both times she gets a messy reward from the stage-studs. The first is bucket of purple goop over her head. The second is two chocolate cream pies to use on the stage studs. She looks indecisively between the two. She is obviously thinking hard. She makes her decision. She steps up to one of the studs. They are both wearing studded black leather string bikinis. She takes one of the pies and smushes it all over his crotch giving him a great feel while she massages the pie all over. The second pie goes down the bottom of her bikini.

After the first two are gone the water is removed. What the stage-studs (one with pie still smeared all over his crotch) roll out a tank that is divided up in half. One half is divided into three equal parts. One part fits right under each of the seats you and the others are sitting on. If you were all dunked at once you would each go into different sections of the tank. this is exactly the idea. Now you remember the show guys asked you what your most hated food was when you tried out for the show. You said candied yams, and that is just what is in your section of the tank. The blond’s is full of mashed potatos and gravy. You see the disgusted look on her face as she says “you mean I might get dumped into that STUFF!!” Now you REALLY wish she had missed that idaho question earlier. The fat girl’s vat is filled with macaroni and cheese. Now that is something anyone would hate to be submerged in, but the fat girl is just shaking with anticipation!

The blond gets her question first and nails it. For the first time she celebrates letting out an emphatic “Yes!”.

Your question is way too tough. Just the thougt of being covered in that gross red jelly makes you sick, but in you go anyway. It’s not as bad as you thought it would be. It’s sticky, but not way too gross. It actually feels pretty good to have that cool goo against you under those hot stage lights.

The fat girl’s question is asked. What is the company Kraft most famous for making. By the look in his eye you can tell the host just made this one up to really get her into it. And into it she is. She is rocking back and forth on her seat biting her lip. “Bean sprouts,” she yells. “No,” yells the host. then her seat gives way and she is falling. The stage-studs have come up close to watch this girl get her final dunking, and that was a big mistake. As soon as she hits they are both covered in macaronni as are you. Now this, you think, is truly gross. Even so the fat girl seems to love it. She submerged in the stuff and hasn’t come up yet. When she does it’s only for breath, then its back down to enjoy all that mess.

“Oh, by the way, for this round we asked the audience participants what their FAVORITE food is instead of their most hated,”says the host. The fat girl plays in the macaroni for about three or four minutes, with the host greatly enjoying it, until she finally has to come out and return her costume. At first she doesn’t come out. But then she throws a yellow and pink wad of something out onto the stage. The host goes over and picks it up. It is both halves of her once bright pink pink bikini. Now she crawls out of the tank and slithers over the side to the stage completely nude. She is covered in shiny yellow slop from head to toe. Her hair is plastered to her head, and she is smiling the biggest smile you have ever seen. She struts slowly across the stage making sure not to hide anything at all. This girl seems to be into everything kinky. Unfortunately she is soon off stage and only you (still nude) and the blond are left on stage with the host. “Well, wasn’t that fun,”he chuckles.

Camping Fun

— by Anonymous —

My wife and I have been avid outdoor enthusiasts all of our lives. We spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially in the summer, and as far away from the crowds as we can get with our holiday trailer.

As well as the usual hiking, fishing, and nature enjoyment, cooking is among our favourite activities while in the wild (at home as well, when time allows). The offerings that have been created in a grove of spruce trees, could be served in any world class restaurant. Seven course meals enjoyed by candle and moon light, with romantic music supplied by bullfrogs, crickets, and a whole orchestra of some of natures finest musicians.

Lynn and I love to show off our forte when friends accompany us, and it never ceases to amaze me, that people think that these offerings need a full blown gourmet kitchen to prepare. Of course, consuming the fruits of our labours is the greatest pleasure of all!

It was on one of these excursion that we shared our time and talents with our friends, Sean and Cindy, back in the high country on the shore of a tiny secluded lake. It was a long weekend which made the trip worth it for the time we would spend there.

It was on the Saturday afternoon when the fun started. We leisurely puttered away at the evening meal, while enjoying the clean air and the hot summer sun, not to mention a few coolers to quench the thirst. The women had decided to take advantage of the seclusion and wore precious little to hide their bodies. Lynn wore a yellow halter top, terry shorts and sandals. Cindy sported a loose fitting white cotton short sleeve blouse, tied at the bottom of her breasts, and pair of cut-offs. Of course, bras were too hot for the summer heat.

Cindy had the top three for four buttons of her blouse open, and I just couldn’t resist tossing a peanut. Yes; it was good for two points. Cindy calmly reached in and pulled out the nut, dropping it into her mouth. She sucked on it for a few seconds, then a couple of crunches and it was gone.

“I love peanuts, Josh, got any more?”

“By the bag,” I replied “how many would you like?”

“One, at a time.” Her coy smile told me that she was enjoying this game. We continued playing toss and retrieve while Lynn and Sean gave the play by play. They included the cheering of the crowd when the shots were successful, and the “”aaahhhs”” when the peanuts went amiss.

“Sean.” Lynn suddenly interrupted. “You wanted to see how we do the ribs before they go in the oven. We need to look after that or we won’t be eating until well after dark. While Sean and I are doing that, why don’t you sports fans come up with something for desert?”

Our game was at intermission, with neither side on the losing end of the score. As Cindy got up, I noticed that a couple more of her buttons had come undone and here globes were right there for my viewing pleasure.

Lynn took Sean’s hand and they headed off to our “outdoor” kitchen back in the trees.

“Got any ideas for desert?” Cindy said smiling as I was still admiring her nipples, which were now standing out from our game, and the attention.

I stammered out something as I gathered my wits. I was some what dazed, partly from the alcohol, partly from standing up too quickly in the heat. Cindy smiled even more and continued from where my thoughts of her breasts left off.

“They have been had for desert before, and I am sure that any one who has sampled them will agree that they are sweet.” I felt that stirring within me as I treasured the moment, only HOPING that it could actually happen.

“A connoisseur of fine deserts would rate them highly,” I complimented her with as much class as I could muster, “a delicacy to be sure.” I brought myself quickly back to reality so as to accomplish the task at hand, that being, desert for supper.

We went into the trailer, and started brainstorming ideas of things that would be a fitting conclusion to the exquisite meal that was planned. We sorted through the various fruits, puddings and cakes that were in the pantry, any one of which would have sufficed.

“How about a little of everything?” Cindy suggested as she ran her fingers over the fruit. I almost fainted as she took hold of a banana. “It could be a meal in itself,” she continued, “with all of the major food groups represented!”

I have made a lot of deserts in my day, but this is one idea I have never thought of. I nodded my approval, and when I looked at her, my eyes were drawn to her two cherries poking through her shirt.

“You are in no condition to cook right now” she said. “You need some stress relief.” She undid the knot in her blouse and opened it, allowing me full view and access to her beautiful breasts.

The instant thought of Lynn and Sean stopped me in the middle of running my fingers over her left nipple. “What about the other two chefs?” I asked, almost nervously.

“Don’t worry about them.” Cindy was confident as she continued. “I will put money on the fact that they are cooking up something a little special on their own. Want to check?”

“Sure” I replied. “That would be exciting, too!”

We quietly slipped back out the door, and sneaked behind the two trailers. From there it was just a couple of big spruce trees to a vantage point where we could observe the “kitchen”.

Cindy was right. Lynn had one hand stirring the sauce on the camp stove, and the other hand down the back of Sean’s swim suit. Lynn’s halter top was already down around her waiste. The two of them turned sideways to face each other, and we watched as Sean tweaked one of my wife’s nipples. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth to accept his lips and tongue.

A few seconds later, Lynn broke the kiss and asked Sean to sample the sauce. With that, she picked up the stirring spoon again, filled it with sauce, and offered it to his mouth.

“Is it hot?” he asked.

“Luke warm, right now. It will be hot the next time we check, though.” With those words, Sean gently bumped Lynn’s arm, spilling the sauce on her breasts.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he mocked “Let me clean that up.” With that he lowered his mouth to my wife’s globes and slowly licked at the sauce. All she could do was moan and close her eyes in pure ecstasy!

“We need to get back,” Cindy whispered in my ear, “or I am going to finger myself right here and now!”

Quietly yet clumsily we made our way back to the trailer.

When we were safe inside, all I could do was sit down and crack another cooler. I had watched other people play around before, but this was something very different.

Cindy came over and stood next to where I was sitting, and helped herself to my drink. “Well,” she said, “are you ready to make desert?” She again opened her blouse for my access. This time she produced a can of whipped cream. “This desert is not complete without the topping.” With that Cindy shook the can, turned it upside-down, and coated her tits with the foamy cream. I reached for one, but she stopped me. “Mouth only for now.” she instructed. “There will be time for fondling and caressing later.”

My mouth opened as it came in for landing. First the cream passed my lips and then my mouth mashed her breast. I sucked some cream into my mouth as I sought out the cherry nipple it knew was just under the surface. My tongue found it, all right, hard and tender and sticking out a good three quarters of an inch. Cindy moaned as my teeth and tongue worked the nipple.

What a sensation! My taste buds were enjoying one of my favourite foods, while the rest of me was enjoying my favourite past time. I looked up at Cindy. Here eyes were wide open, and the smile on her face spoke volumes as to what she was feeling.

“I don’t want to hurry you, but we need this eaten so that we can make the desert for supper.” With that, I concentrated on finishing that boob, and moved on to the next. It was equally as tasty, and the response from Cindy was even more intense. She was gyrating her hips, and it wasn’t until she bumped the table that it dawned on me what else she needed.

I continued to lick and chew at her second breast while my hands found the button and zipper on her pants. She groaned as I unwrapped her bottom, knowing what I was about to do.

I freed her cut offs, and they dropped to the floor. There was nothing else to remove. Cindy spread her legs to allow my hand to stroke her pubic mound, and then slide my fingers over the soaked lips of her pussy. With no effort at all, I slipped two and then three fingers inside her. The clitoris was swollen and ready. As my fingers started to play with it, Cindy grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into here bosom. There was no doubt in my mind that she was just as turned on as I was.

Cindy was rocking back and forth, and when she was in the right position, she impaled herself on my hand. All four fingers went inside her, with my thumb remaining outside to maintain stimulation of her clit. With just a few more strokes and some light moaning, Cindy came and I could feel her cum flowing over my hand.

When the quake subsided, I scooped up her wetness and spread it over her now clean melons. “Desert for desert.” I said as I fulfilled my desire to fondle and squeeze her. She caressed the back of my head as I completed what I had begun with my lips and tongue.

Cindy released her hold on my head and took a step back. “Stand up.” She whispered. I complied and she reached down and pulled my shorts down around my knees. She took hold of my manliness and simply purred and licked her lips.

“This hardly needs anymore cream.” She quipped. “So we will save the cream for supper.” With that, she eased my cock into her mouth as smooth and sensuous as I have ever experienced. She hummed lightly, and that was all it took for me to cum. I thought that I was going to take off the back of her head I came so hard.

When that was over, Cindy stood up and smiled at me. Excess cum was running down her cheek and onto her chest. I smiled back and proceeded to lick up what she missed, concluding with a good long French kiss to consummate our fling.

“Most men won’t do that, you know. It shows you care about a woman when you do.” I felt proud and pleased that she had appreciated it. It was the least I could do to show my appreciation.

“Now. About this desert.” She spoke as broke our embrace and slipped our shorts back on. “What needs to be done first?”

“The pudding. It needs time to set. Aren’t you going to do up your blouse?”

“I will when the other two come back. Until then, they are yours to play with, if you please. Besides, it feels good.” With that we divided up the work and set to our tasks. Occasionally, when the position was right, I would take a breast in my hand and kiss her gently. Cindy always responded with a soft moan and a smile.

We were mostly done the “mother of all deserts” when the other two wandered back into camp. From their slow pace, it was clear that they had enjoyed some afternoon delight, and were in no hurry to do anything but bask in their own glow.

I turned Cindy around and did up a couple of buttons on her shirt, then retied the knot that was there when we were playing “peanut ball”. She kissed and thanked me.

“Shall we?” she said and gestured to the door.

“After you, Madame.” I bowed as we left to rejoin our spouses.

“Boy, Josh, you were right. That sauce you guys make for the ribs DOES taste wonderful.” I smiled to myself, knowing that what he enjoyed most had little to do with the sauce.

“Is everything under control with the desert, Sweety?” Lynn asked as she reached for my hand.

“It certainly is,” Cindy replied for me. “I have been involved with deserts in my time, but nothing like this one!”

“Sounds, exciting. Don’t you think so, Sean?”

“It will have to be pretty special to top your ribs, Lynn.” I noticed a little pride in her face now, too. “Uh, that water looks mighty inviting. How about a swim?” No one needed a second invite.

I pulled Lynn out of her chair, and we headed for the lake. Clothes and all, only because we never even thought to take them off. We were all far too hot.

Lynn and I headed out to where the water was chest deep; our comfort zone. We chatted a bit, and then I notice a small bruise on her neck. “What happened here?” I asked, trying to sound innocently curious. Shock came over her face and I reached for her. “No big deal,” I continued, “You have obviously rubbed an insect bite.”

By now she was in my arms and feeling comfortable again. We kissed, pecking at first, and then deep in each others mouth. “I love that.” I said with a sigh. “What?” She asked curiously. “The smell and taste of cum on your breath!” I didn’t give her a chance to reply before I deeply kissed her again, this time probing her mouth. It took a second for her to relax after that shock, but she quickly realized that I knew, and that I was more than comfortable with it.

We finally broke our kiss, and just stood, smiling at each other. “You do have excellent ribs; tender and soft, any man would be in his glory. You and Cindy compliment each other, Sweetheart, she knows how to serve up a mean desert.” I kissed her again, this time Lynn was the aggressive one.

Just then, we were hit with a cascade of water. Sean and Cindy were coming at us with pails, and were only a few feet away when they nailed us. Lynn and I dove under the water, she coming up under Sean and I under Cindy. The view was familiar, and I took good advantage, running a finger over Cindy’s pussy, and then reaching under her shirt and having a good feel, playing for a second with the nipple before retreating my hands and breaking the surface. There to greet me was that smile, the one that said everything is all right.

We all played in the water for a few more minutes, enough to get good and refreshed, and the nipples to become fully erect.

We dried off in the sun, and of course, enjoyed another round of coolers. Everyone knew what went on, but no one said a word. I guess there was not much to say about it.

It was Cindy that broke the silence. “What is the dress for dinner tonight?”

“Dress”, I thought. I needed to think on that one.

“White.” Lynn’s answer was quick and direct. “I am wearing a white sun dress. Cool and comfortable, yet classy. That is the only criteria.” SHE had obviously given it some thought.

The sun was just dropping below the mountains peaks when Lynn suggested that she and Sean “check their ribs” again. Cindy and I just sat there and watched them take each other’s hands when they thought they were out of sight.

“Do you have something like a white sun dress with you?” I asked, prepared to offer her the alternative that anything she had would be fine.

“Oh, I think I have something suitable.” She continued. “It has been a long time since I have seen Sean with this kind of glow. His ego needed something like this. Turning forty has been a little hard on him.”

“I know what that is like.” I sighed as I remembered what I went through: over the hill etc., etc.

“I keep telling him that he is still “the best” and that he “still has it”. Now I think HE believes it, too. By the way, is there anything WE need to check on?” There was a twinkle in her eye.

“Why, yes there is, my dear. And we had better attend to that right away.” I helped Cindy into the trailer, and we quickly did the once over to see that “our desert” was all in order.

The fruit was sliced and peeled where needed; the pudding and Jell-O was setting nicely; the cake had been cooling while we were swimming, and was ready for the icing; the toppings (chocolate and strawberry syrups and the whipped cream) and the chocolate flakes were in the refrigerator.

“How are we ever going to eat all of this?” I wondered in amazement.

“We aren’t.” Cindy pulled herself close and my chest. I could feel her erect nipples through her shirt as her tongue snaked it’s way into my throat. That took my mind off of THAT comment.

We could hear Sean and Lynn outside when we came back to Earth. We glanced out the window and watched them kiss the way we just had. I squeezed Cindy a little, and she returned my gesture.

“We had better get ready for supper, don’t you think?” Cindy had that twinkle again, and all I could do was agree.

We stepped out of the trailer, and interrupted Sean and Lynn. They stopped, but were slow to let go of each other. “The ribs will ready as soon as we are, and everything else has been waiting.” There was a dreamy tone to Lynn’s voice, and she once more turned to Sean and kissed him.

We all set about the task of setting the table, and setting out the fixings; the Caesar salad, potato salad, and the garlic toast. The candles were set all around the site, and all that was needed now was for us to get dressed up and enjoy.

Sean and Cindy left for their trailer, and Lynn and I climbed into ours. As soon as we got inside, Lynn through her arms around my neck and kissed me oh so deeply. “I love you so much. I feel so great, and you look so good! Why haven’t we done this before?”

“Because it wasn’t the right time.” It wasn’t a profound answer, but it was all I could think of.

I helped my wife out of her damp clothes and we stood, naked, looking at each other. It really was something. I noticed another bigger “bruise” on the inside of Lynn’s right breast. “I see Sean is a gentleman, too. He chooses well where he leaves his mark.”

“Yes, just like you, Josh.” “I wanted him to chew on my neck, but he refused.”

We couldn’t resist holding each other again, and running our hands over the parts we love best on the other. We lay down on the bed and I kissed the spot where Sean had spent extra time. I took a nipple in my mouth and rolled it the way I know she likes. Lynn nibbled on by ear lobe and I almost climbed on top and made love to here right then and there.

Yes, I might well have, if Sean hadn’t called in saying “Hey, you two, dinner is getting cold.”

We kissed a last time and got dressed. I put on a white shirt and my sky blue “Dockers”. Lynn put on her favourite bra and panty set, and her white sun dress. Her ensemble was completed with a pair of white sandals.

It was dusk when we opened the trailer door into the evening. Sean was there to offer his hand as Lynn stepped down. He was dressed in a matching pale yellow trousers and shirt.

Then I noticed Cindy. She wore a strapless white evening gown that went almost to the ground, with the sides slit right up to the thighs. Just looking at her took my breath away.

Without a word, Sean offered Lynn his arm, and they headed off to retrieve the ribs and rice. I dug out the box of matches, and Cindy and I lit the candles. We heard a few light groans from the “kitchen”, so we knew we had a little time to ourselves before supper.

It wasn’t too long before Lynn and Sean returned to the “dining room” with the hot entres. Cindy and I sat up to the table as Sean and Lynn served. It was delectable! Once they had sat down, we dined.

Not much for conversation over diner; just comments on how good everything was; how we were glad there was no wind that would blow out the candles; and how important good company is to a good meal.

We were about half way through the meal when I felt a foot running up and down my leg. It belonged, of course, to Cindy. She caught my eye with her twinkle. I watched as she moved bits of food in and out of her mouth in the most seductive way. She drew in the potato salad off her fork. It took her a long time to remove the fork from her mouth, and I knew what the fork would be feeling; I had been treated to that earlier in the day.

Lynn and Sean were also having a conversation with their eyes. I was paying little attention to them, just enough to know that they were having a wonderful time and that was all that mattered right now.

When the main course was over, Lynn poured more wine as we again chatted and let things settle within us. A very light, warm breeze brought the fragrance of the trees to us, and we enjoyed it with every breath. All was right with the world, and all was right with us.

When the second round of wine was nearing completion, Lynn suggested to Sean that they clear the table while Cindy and I brought out desert. We all got up and cleared our dishes, then Cindy and I headed for the trailer. “They don’t have a clue what’s coming, do they?”

“And right now, they don’t really care, either.”

We pulled out the parts to our desert and put them on trays, covering them with towels so that this whole thing would be a surprise. When all was ready we made our entrance. Lynn and Sean were in a lip lock again, but soon turned their attention to us as we brought out the trays.

“Good heavens, you two. How many are coming for desert?

“Just the four us are cumming.” There was that seduction in her voice that suggested to all that the party was about to begin.

We removed the towels and presented our desert.

“There is far to much here to eat at once.” They both agreed on that.

“Don’t worry,” was Cindy’s calm reply. “There won’t be much left when we get through. You see, we are going to do this a little different.” She explained as she sat down. “There is no one here but us, right? So we don’t need to be prim and proper any more. THAT part of the meal is done with. Now we have fun!”

The other two were both stunned but intrigued. This sounded very interesting, and yet there were questions.

Cindy continued. “It is really very simple. The first rule is that the men will feed the ladies. The second rule is that no one can use any utensils, only body parts. And the third rule is ladies can only receive…” “…And, don’t worry about the clothes. If they can’t be washed, they can be replaced!”

I wasn’t even aware of these rules. My mind raced to come up with methods of picking up the various food groups. The fruit was no problem; I could use my hands. But the pudding would be some what more challenging!

“Any questions? Good, let’s begin. Lynn, I will start and you all can join in when you get the hang of this game?” Lynn nodded. “Good. Josh, I think I would like to start with pudding; the tapioca.”

I looked at her and then the bowl. “Just dig in.” I thought. I reached in with one hand and scooped out a bit of pudding and dripped all the way to her face. Some made it into her mouth, but most of it dropped on her dress.

“Mmm. That was good. How about some more; lots more.” This time I took a handful. When I went to drop it in her mouth, she closed her lips and it all ran down her front and inside her dress. “Now you’re getting the idea! But I think you need to dig out the stuff inside my dress!” I stuck my hand down her front and did my best to pick up what I could, but only managed to smear it around. Then the nickel dropped. This was the whole idea. I looked over at Lynn and Sean, and they were holding each other in anxious anticipation. One more handful of tapioca, but this time I had no intention of taking it to her mouth. My hand went directly inside her bra and I rubbed the goo all over her breasts.

“Yes, yes.” She purred. “That feels so erotic. You learn quick.” Again I glanced at the others, only to find Sean’s hands in the chocolate pudding and heading for Lynn’s face and front.

“Sweetheart, how about some strawberries?”

“Sure.” My enthusiasm was obvious. “Strawberries, coming right up.” I grabbed three or four of the biggest ones I could see. I looked Cindy straight in the eye as I reached under her dress, parted her legs and panties, and inserted the berries, one by one into her pussy. She moaned her approval. “They will be my desert later.” Cindy knew exactly what I meant.

From there on, it was one thing after another. I poured some more tapioca down the front of her dress, this time massaging it in from the outside of her dress. Chocolate syrup all over her face and chest, followed by a few shots of whipped cream. Then proceeded to spread it around with my tongue. All the time Cindy’s hands were behind her chair.

Sean already had Lynn’s dress half off, and was filling her bra with everything, then rubbing it in through the material, moving the excess to parts that were still skin coloured.

I rolled up the front of Cindy’s dress to see the red strawberry juice sneaking out from between her lips and staining the panties. Reaching down, I pulled the material to one side and pushed a finger in to see how much room was left for other food. Not being disappointed, I found lots of room for more fruit, pudding, whipped cream and syrup. This I crammed in using a banana. Then I replaced the panties.

“This dress is hindering me from finding more bare skin.” I complained as I rubbed two pieces of cake and icing into her mounds on the front of her dress.

“Well, take it off me then.” Cindy was already starting to stand as she spoke. Goo was seeping from her bra and down the inside of her dress. I could also sense her discomfort in her crotch as she was standing. But that was all right, any thing there wasn’t room for, and the panties couldn’t hold, would simply run down her legs, and I would take care of it later. I reached down and rubbed the bulge at her pussy, and spread the overflow all around the area. This is where Cindy stopped being a passive recipient, and started being an active participant.

Cindy rubbed herself on the front of my shirt, then unbuttoned it, pulling it a side. SHE grabbed stuff and started jamming it down my pants and briefs. Cindy took my shirt right off, and my pants soon followed.

All four of us stood on only our underwear, and they were stuffed to overflowing. Still we grabbed more; pudding, syrup, Jell-O, cake, and spreading all over each other. At one point, I squeezed Cindy’s breasts together and forced some tapioca from between them. Bending down, I scooped it up with my mouth and deposited it into hers. Her whole body squirmed with delight. We French kissed, playing with the tapioca balls with our tongues and passing them back and forth between our mouths. When they were gone, I found some more and we did the same.

By now, Sean had my wife completely nude and had his head between her legs doing some munching of his own. Her hands all over his head and face with whatever she could find. Even shooting the odd blast of whipped cream into her crotch for some topping for Sean.

I picked up Cindy by her bottom and moved her until she hovered over the cake tray, setting her down on top of the remaining cake. Collecting handfuls of cake and icing, I massaged her back, sides, armpits and even managed to get a bit inside her bra. Cake on the tray oozed up between her legs, and this she rubbed into her panties and crotch.

When I finally undid the bra, it was brown with chocolate cake, pudding, syrup, not to mention all of those tapioca balls. All of this was licked up by my tongue and mouth and shared with Cindy. She lay back on the table and we poured more food stuffs all over her body, head and hair, rubbing it in where ever we could.

Lynn came over to the table, bent over to feast on Cindy’s breasts, as Sean spread her pussy lips and penetrated her easily from behind. Lynn moaned softly with each thrust, and started getting more aggressive with her mouth as she neared another orgasm. When it hit, she yelled. “OHHHH.Yessssss.Yeah!!!” Cindy reached over and squeezed Lynn’s nipples, which sent Lynn even higher.

“Where do you want me to come?” Sean was panicking.

“Come around here and cum on my tits, Love. Then Josh and Lynn will know how good you taste!” Sean was half way around the table by the time Cindy had finished speaking. Lynn put her head on Cindy’s breast as Sean got up on the table and let Cindy finish him off by hand.

“I’m cumming.” He growled, giving the girls fair warning. A few seconds later Sean erupted, sending blast after blast of white semen directly onto Cindy’s chest and into Lynn’s mouth. When he was through, Lynn scooped up the cum from Cindy’s chest and collected it in her mouth. My wife crawled across the table and opened her mouth to show me the prize that she was about to share with me. At that, we kissed hard and long while she passed the cum into my mouth and we swapped it back and forth. We both swallowed and were in seventh heaven.

“You still have some desert in my pussy” Cindy reminded me. With that I focused my attention on Cindy’s crotch, sitting in the chocolate cake. I got close and watched as I removed the panties. Lynn was right in there with me.

“Looks good” she hissed.

“Here, be my guest”, and my wife wasted no time swinging around to partake in this feast.

“Anything I can do?” Sean inquired.

“Sure, keep her tits and mouth happy while we take care of business down here.” Sean pounced on this wife’s familiar breasts.

It was a true three on one. All of us licking and eating to our hearts content. Lynn would come up for air and I would lick and suck the food off her face. Once, she climbed up to Cindy’s face and let her have the honours. Cindy came two or three times in the next few minutes with all three of us working different parts of her body

“How are we going to finish this off?” Cindy asked, sounding like she had just about had enough.

I helped Cindy to her feet, and pulled her up close. My cock slid easily between her legs, although not into her vagina.

“Just like this.” I said as I slowing pumped between her legs. “I going to cum and have it run down your legs. How does that sound?”

“Wonderful.” She whispered in my ear as she snuggled in close to enjoy the rhythm. In just a few strokes I was cumming. Cindy was moving her legs back and forth so she could feel the goo between her thighs.

The four us just stood there holding each other for what seemed several minutes. Occasionally sharing kisses, but mostly just cuddling; Lynn with Sean and me with Cindy.

We all hit the lake after that, washing each other off before drying off and cleaning up the mess we had made in camp. An hour later Lynn and I lay in our own bed in each others arms.

“How do we top that?” she asked.

“We don’t even try. If it happens, it happens and we will enjoy. In the mean time, I think I would like a bit of a snack!!”

Odif’s Fault

— by Aviar —

Michelle looked over at the clock, it read eleven o’clock. She smiled as she put on the final touches to the banana cream pie. Satisfied that her work was complete, she put down the bag of whipped cream and licked her fingers clean.

“One, two, three …..” she counted, pointing to each pie on her counter and kitchen table. “… twenty. Perfect.”

She picked up the pie from the counter and took it and its twin out of the kitchen and to the dining room table. There was barely enough room for one of the pies without some reorganization, so she put the first down carefully and started shuffling the pies around when the phone rang. Michelle pulled one of the dining room chairs out and placed the pie on it and walked to her cordless phone. She picked it up and paused a moment before hitting the talk button.

“Odif,” she warned, turning around quickly. A brown and black German Shepherd stopped just inches from the pie she had put on the chair. “Don’t even think about it.” The dog backed up a few paces. “Now sit, down.” With dignified grace, the dog slowly sat, then lied down as commanded, pretending not to be interested in the least with the sweet smelling pastry.

Michelle gave Odif a smirk, and thought smartass. She hit the button. “Hello?”

“Hey girl, what you doing today?”

“Nothing much, Charla. Odif woke me up at 6:30 in the morning for walkies.”

The voice on the other end laughed. “Told you, you should have gotten a cat.”

“Somehow, I think a cat would have a field day in here right now with all this cream.”

Her best friend paused. “Michelle, please tell me you haven’t started the pies. I mean it is so early, the banquet wasn’t until this evening.”

“Started? I’m done, girl. Twenty cream pies of varying types as you ordered.” Michelle wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, then paused for a moment. “Wait a minute, what do you mean ‘wasn’t supposed to start’ It is still on, isn’t it?”

“Well now that you mention it.”

“This had better be a joke.”

Charla sighed. “No joke, Michelle. I’m sorry. It seems that our guest of honor came down with food poisoning last night. Had to go to the emergency room and all. So we had to reschedule it on Sunday.”

Michelle slapped her hand to her side. Bits of flower puffed up into the air. “That’s three days away! There is no way that these will last until then.”

“Still haven’t got the a/c fixed then?”

“No, and it is like a sauna in here. The humidity has got to be 90%.”

“It supposed to get up to ninety degrees too.”

“Are you trying to make me feel better?” she smirked. “If he got sick yesterday, why didn’t you call me?”

There was silence on the other end. Michelle really loved her best friend. They had known each other from grade school. It was Charla who even talked her into setting up this mini catering business to help offset the cost of her schooling. It was slow, sometimes tedious work, but she loved to bake. The things she could do with dough, eggs and some sugar, was downright incredible sometimes. Brownies, cakes, pies and fourteen types of fudge were her specialty. Charla would often drive to her house to visit, just as an excuse to sample her latest creations.

It was safe to say that Michelle loved to bake, however, she did not like doing it for nothing. Charla had begged her to make twenty pies for an event they were doing in honor of a Dean who was retiring after fifty years. She had originally balked at the request, because midterms were so close and she should be studying, but Charla pleaded and offered to pay for all the ingredients in advance. It did not take much convincing. To Michelle, it was a pleasant diversion from her studies, however now she was getting pissed.

“Well, why didn’t you call me?” she repeated.

“I forgot?” came the meek reply.

“You forgot?”

“It’s understandable, after all, who do you think had to call all one hundred and seventy-two guests yesterday to tell them it had been rescheduled? Who do you think had to pull strings at the banquet hall to get the room again?” There was silence again as Charla let that sink in. “I’m very sorry that I forgot, but the guests had to come first and I was exhausted. I still haven’t gotten to them all.”

Michelle sighed and grumbled, “Yeah yeah, forgiven.”

“Besides, I paid you up front for those, so you aren’t out any money.”

“It isn’t the money, Charla, it is the time. I spent many hours doing all this when I should have been studying. And to make things worse, I just put all the cream and meringue on, these things won’t last in this heat.”

“Can you put them in the freezer,” Charla suggested.

“I can fit a few of them in I suppose, but it won’t be that many, cause I don’t have any boxes to put them in. My best-friend was supposed to be bringing them to me.”

A long sigh came from the receiver. Michelle was not really pissed at Charla, after all she did have a valid excuse. She was upset at the situation. She had worked all day through the heat of the oven and her home, she was tired and sweaty. Her clothes stuck to her with a combination of perspiration and dough, making a rather uncomfortable paste. She walked to the kitchen and opened up her freezer, the cool air was welcomed along her glistening neck and shoulders. Her nipple perked lightly from under her sports bra.

“Well,” Michelle started, “if I do some massive rearranging and throw out stuff I don’t need anyway, I might be able to save ten.”

“That’s better than none,” Charla offered.

“Not really. It means I have to do this again in a few days for you.”

“Michelle, I can’t say how sorry I am. How can I make it up to you?” She paused as a thought came to her. “How about I take you out for a late lunch today?”

Michelle closed the freezer door and walked back to the living room. She gave Odif a glare as he had started to sit up. The look was enough to settle the dog back in its original position. “Um, I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

She looked at herself in the full-sized mirror her mother had given to her. “I’m kinda a mess right now.”

“Not using an apron again?” Charla giggled.

“Not since you borrowed it.”

“Seriously, grab a shower after you are done there and we’ll go out. You can’t look that bad.”

Michelle looked at herself again in the mirror and sized herself up. Five foot five, slender build with just a pinch of fat around her hips. Medium length brown hair that was currently tangled and splattered with various fillings, dough, whipped cream and meringue. Her breasts were the right size for her, she thought, never giving enhancement a single thought. Her eyes were a sparkling green, with slivers of gold flecks dancing in them. When she wanted to, she could dress to kill. She wasn’t a model by any means, but she could make men turn their heads, when she wanted to, and sometimes when she did not.

Because of the heat, she was only wearing a white sports bra and shorts. It was way to hot and humid for under garments, and she always liked to be comfortable when baking. She gave serious thought to taking Charla up on her offer, but then remembered that she was getting a new a/c unit delivered today.

Besides, she thought, it would take way to long to get ready, and she had to do something with these pies.

“Sorry, Charlie. I’m stuck here today.”

“Okay,” came the disappointed reply over the phone, “but if you change your mind or can think of anyway I can make it up to you, let me know.”

“Oh, I’ll come up with something,” Michelle said coyly. “Dinner at Andres perhaps?”

“ANDRES?! You trying to break me?”

“Hey, I charge a lot for wasted sweat.”

“Not that much, I hope.”

Something out of Michelle’s peripheral vision caught her eye. “Ooooooodif!!!” she cried. The German Shepherd spooked by the voice, backed up suddenly, his nose catching on the underside of a pie tin. She knew she was to late before she even made her lunge for the pie, but something inside of her had hoped that maybe she could save it. Instead the pie teetered for a brief moment on the edge of the kitchen table then overturned. Michelle caught most of the pie with her right hand, while her left attempted to right the pie. The phone dropped to the floor with a clunk, which was followed by a dull splat as most of the contents of the lemon meringue pie fell through her hand and to the floor. Odif just stood there, tail wagging knowing that he was about to get dessert.

Michelle let the tin drop to the floor, “You win, its yours,” she said to the delight of her dog. While she picked up the phone, Odif pranced triumphantly to the pie and started to devour it.

“Back,” she sighed.

“What the hell happened?”

“Odif knocked a pie off the table,” she said, realizing that her phone was covered in meringue.

“I told you, you should have gotten a cat.”

Michelle eyed Odif evilly. “Don’t tempt me right now.” She licked her right index finger and smacked her lips, “But damn I’m a good cook.”

“I know. You sure you don’t want to go out today?”

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“Still mad?”


“Get over it?”

“Yeah yeah..”

“Good, I’ll leave you to clean and save the pies, and remember, let me know how I can make this up to you. Who knows, I may be so nice not to ask for a refund.” Charla giggled again. “Bye bye, I love you.”

“Yeah yeah.”

Michelle hit end on her phone and put it on the kitchen counter, the flicked meringue to the floor from her hand. She turned to Odif as she grabbed two pies from the table and started putting them up on the kitchen counter. “No more for you, Mister.” She stopped for a second. “You think I could get a couple of cats if I traded you in?”

Odif looked up at her and growled, then took off to the bedroom with his tail between his legs. Michelle could not help but laugh. She continued to place the pies from the table to the counter until there was no more room. She looked around to see where the last four pies could go and spotted the top of the freezer. Michelle picked up two chocolate cream pies and started to turn towards the kitchen when the phone rang. She started to turn back but her foot slid into the filling that Odif had left on the floor. Struggling to maintain her balance, her hands desperately trying to keep the pies level. She pitched forward and was forced to drop the pie in her right hand in order to catch herself from falling. The chocolate cream pie landed upside-down on her barefoot as she braced herself on the table.

“Damn it!” she cried.

She reached out to the phone, convinced she would kill who ever it was calling her. She tried to hit the talk button but the phone was slippery from earlier and a messy hand did not help. The phone rang three more times before Michelle could finally activate it.


“Hello, Miss Darlington please?”

“Speaking,” she growled.

“This is Day Air Conditioning service, calling you about today’s appointment.”


“It seems that the check you gave us for the down payment was returned to us due to non-sufficient funds.”

Was it her imagination or did it sound like this person was gloating? “I assure you, that there is money in the bank. I put it there yesterday when I got paid.”

“Unfortunately you’ll have to come in with cash or I could take a credit card now.”

Michelle shook her head tiredly at the day she was having. “My credit card is maxed currently, but I can be in later today.”

“Good, when you get here we’ll reschedule your appointment.”

“Reschedule?” She nearly dropped the phone with that revelation. Quickly she shifted the pie in her left hand to the her palm and steadied the phone with her finger tips. “Do you realize how hot it is out there, or in here for that fact.”

“I’m constantly reminded of it every day, Miss Darlington.” She could hear the sarcasm ring in the person’s voice. “I am sure that if you get down today, we can reschedule you for next week.”

Michelle mouthed the words, next week as she looked around at all the pies. There was nothing else she could do, she was beaten. “Very well, ” she said softly, “I’ll come in later.”

The person hung up and she never turned off her phone, not wanting anyone else to call her; not wanting any other problems. She knew she didn’t have the money off hand, she had been hoping that they would deliver it first then try to cash the check. Maybe her mother could help. Her head spun with the happenings of the day and she grew dizzy, whether from the heat or the fact she felt the world was against her, she did not care. Michelle sighed heavily and sat down, burying her head into her right hand.

It took a moment for her to realize what she did. Slowly, she took her hand away from her eyes and spread her legs. Cool whipped cream followed by a warm chocolate filling oozed up between her thighs. Michelle could not help but give a short laugh.

“What else can happen to me today?” she asked. Odif started out the door of the bedroom and her eyes locked on his. “All this is your fault.” The dog paused and cocked his head. “You wanted walkies when I could still have been in bed right now.” Sensing that he was not wanted, the dog turned tail and went back into the bedroom.

“And Charla,” she continued, “oooooh if you were here right now I’d…” She made a gesture with the pie in her left hand as if she was smashing it in an imaginary face. The momentum nearly made her lose grasp of it.

It was here that Michelle just sat, not caring about much of anything anymore. She turned her face and looked at the mirror. The sight she saw was nothing more than incredible. Her foot was buried almost to the ankle in filling, cream continued to ooze from beneath her, around her legs to where it finally dropped to the floor. Her hair and face were a askew with a spattering of lemon, chocolate, meringue and cream from where she had the phone against her jaw and where she had wiped her forehead with her hand.

Michelle simply put was a mess, and she did not care anymore. She did not care if she sat there for the next hour, even though the pie she was sitting on was beginning to saturate her pants and soak through to the skin. Nope, she didn’t care, not this time. Not anymore.

Michelle laughed again, a little more genuinely. This isn’t so bad, she thought, at least my butt isn’t warm and sticky. She wiggled a her rear a bit, testing the new sensation. “It is now COLD and sticky,” she laughed again. “Yup, if Charla was here I’d really ‘cream’ her,” she said looking at the pie, “and she would deserve it too.”

She looked back at the pie in her hand and then back at the mirror. A tiny thought embedded itself in her mind, one that was so inanely silly that she had to look back at the pie to convince herself that she actually thought it.

A pie in the face. What a peculiar thought. She looked at the mirror as her left hand brought the pie to just under her chin. She blinked at what seemed to be an involuntary movement by her hand and yet, it seemed that it was something natural to do. If a pie isn’t for eating, then what other use is it for, she reasoned. Michelle considered asking Charla to come over for her to administer revenge, but quickly discounted the idea as a farcical whim. There was no way in hell that she would let anyone see her in the predicament that she was in, even though she had absolutely no intention of rectifying it any time soon.

Michelle’s eyes turned back to the pie as her hand brought it up to her face. Daintily she stuck her nose in it, and almost immediately taking it out. Her eyes shot to the mirror as the bottom third of her nose was covered in whipped cream.

“That isn’t so bad,” she smiled, turning her face back to the pie. This time she looked straight forward and brought the pie up quickly to her face. Once again, she stopped just as her nose entered the pie, some vague thought of reason stopping her from committing to the act. An inner voice saying that it was all to silly and she was a grown-up for god’s sake. She turned to the mirror. This time her nose was completely covered in cream and little flakes of cream decorated her eyebrows and cheeks. She licked at the small bit of cream on her lips, once again commenting to herself what a wonderful cook she was.

The voice of reason finally took over and she sighed. This was very silly and what would her mother think if she could see her now. Michelle started to stand up when a dollop of cream from the tilted pie in her hand, dropped and landed neatly in her cleavage. She froze instantly while the cool cream slid gently between her bosoms and rested midway. She could feel it beginning to melt and she closed her eyes and let out a long breath at the coolness of it all. Taking a deep breath and without hesitation or second thought, Michelle took the pie and smashed it into her chest.

The breath was immediately exhaled as the cold cream met her skin first followed by the still warm filling. Her eyes closed she let the tin drop and she could feel gravity pull the crust downward, which landed in her lap. Instinctively her legs came together, forcing cream further along her inner thighs. A second gasp emitted from her lips. Her hand slowly massaged the cream all over the outside of her shirt, quickly turning it into a dirty brown. Michelle’s nipples hardened as she massaged them over and over, using her creamy shirt like a glove.

Not satisfied she reached down and took a handful of the cream between her legs and lifted sports bra, smearing the contents in her hand on the soft skin beneath. The feel of the cream against her nipples caused her to bring her legs together again, even tighter. She found that she enjoyed the feeling and repeated both actions again and again. She was sure she would climax right there and then, if it had not have been of the strange feeling she was being watched. Michelle stopped and opened her eyes, then turned them towards the bedroom door. Not two feet from her, tail wagging and head cocked in curiosity, sat Odif.

“Get out,” she hissed.

Odif, knowing this tone of voice, darted back into the bedroom and would not return for another few hours.

Light headed, Michelle breathed, reeling in the sensations about her. She smelled her own sweat, mixed with the sweet smell of lemon and chocolate. Slowly she turned her head back to the mirror, as if she was afraid what hideous creature would stare back at her, but it was not bad at all. Except for a chocolate shirt and pants, she seemed none the worse for the wear. She even remembered that she had been more messy when she spilled that pot of molasses down her shirt one time. Now that was a mess.

She stood up slowly, her pants clinging tightly to her rear. She felt ashamed but could not figure out why. She had done nothing wrong that she could think of. It was just for fun, she reassured herself, and if it got sensual, well heck., what is wrong with that? She could think of a dozen more kinkier things than what she just did, and she did hers in private, not in public like so many other sickos do. Nope, I did nothing wrong, she thought, convincing herself.

Michelle paused. If she did nothing wrong, why did she stop?


The cause of all this…. all of this…. fun?

She walked over to the bedroom and closed the door, she would deal with him later. “If I did nothing wrong,” she spoke to the mirror as she sized herself up, “why not continue.” A small smile played across her lips. She could not save all the pies so she might as well put them to use, even if it was for her own selfish reasons. Yes, she would continue, only this time, she would do it right.

She grabbed a chocolate cream pie and wiped off the chair where she was sitting with her hand. Cream and crust fell to the floor as the placed the pie on the seat. Slowly she took of her pants, looking around to help convince herself that there would be no further intrusion. She tossed the pants aside and removed her sports bra, placing it a top the pants. Once again she looked at herself in the mirror. Aside from the occasional streak of cream, she was not all that dirty. Her breasts were slightly brown and her inner thighs about four inches down were coated in a thin layer of filling.

Michelle grabbed two lemon meringue pies and straddled the chair. Her muff just inches above the chocolate cream pie. She glanced at the mirror and giggled and the irony. A few hundred pies she had baked in this very apartment and not once did she ever consider doing what she was about to do. She took a deep breath in, not tearing her eyes from the mirror as she wanted to see everything. Slowly she lowered herself into the pie, cringing only slightly as the first cream touched her skin. With patience and diligence she continued to lower her body, resisting every urge to rise up or squirm. It was this fact that seemed to make the experience all the more erotic.

As the cream continued up her thighs and finally started to touch her pink lips, she inhaled hard and then splatted both lemon meringue pies against her chest. White, fluffy globs exploded on impact, obliterating her medium sized breasts. She continued to press the pies against her breasts, then twisted the tins slightly before letting the drop. Michelle was amazed how the tins fell to the floor yet the crust held its position for what seemed an eternity, but could only be a few moments. Slowly the crusts started to split and break, sliding down her chest to land in her lap where her hips slowly pumped.

Hips pumping? When did she start doing that?

Michelle glanced down to make sure she was doing what she had seen. Sure enough, her hips were slowly rising and falling within the pie tin. She could feel the cream oozing in and around her sex. It was an incredible feeling. Cool cream melting within her warm, inner folds. She could not help but lower a hand to aid her wonderful visionary hips. Her other hand reached up and smeared the lemon and meringue all along her shoulders and down her sides, before she recoated her breasts again. To her, the day was almost complete as she reached her orgasm. To hell with the a/c people, she was no longer hot, or if she was, she definitely did not care.

She closed her eyes and climaxed a second time, her body cool as her sweat mixed with the cool cream. Michelle smiled and opened her eyes, then reached for another pie from the counter. She had still not gotten a pie in the face, and since she took the experience this far, she might as well finish it. Once again her eyes went to the mirror, then back at the pie. She wanted to do it, all she had to do was just one quick motion. One splat and it was over, then she could see what she looked like in the mirror.

Determination drove her course, and Michelle raise her fact to the ceiling and the pie above her head. In her mind she counted down, three, two, one…

A knock came from the door.

Charla still felt pangs of guilt as she strode up the walkway to Michelle’s house. Normally she was not so air-headed, but this was one of those times she could honestly say she earned the “blonde” reputation. She admired how easily Michelle was able to forgive her, a quality she herself lacked, often holding on to a grudge for weeks on end. In fact, if the roles were reversed, she would not let Michelle forget it for at least a month, which was probably why Charla felt so damn guilty.

Prior to coming here, she had stopped off at the bakery and gotten twenty pie boxes., then it was off to the local Wal-Mart for a portable fan. Charla was definitely going to try to help save the pies, as so Michelle would not have to go through the hassle of baking again.

The walkway was about twenty meters long and led up to a simple white door. Charla was half way down it, boxes in one hand and the fan in the other, when a thought struck her. She stopped, looked at the boxes and then at the door again. Whatever the thought was, made her laugh and shake her head. Perhaps she had a stray thought of what she would do if the roles were reversed, however this was Michelle who was in the predicament, and Charla was determined to do anything to help her out. She continued up the walk and fumbled a bit trying to reach the doorbell, but could not. Instead, she knocked once with the back of her hand that was holding the fan.

Somewhere inside there seemed to be a brief skirmish followed by an “Oh shit.” Charla’s mood dropped even more as she feared that she might have been the cause of yet another dropped pie. For a moment she contemplated turning around and running back to her car and just leaving poor Michelle alone, but she quickly discounted it. She was here and she was going to try and make atonement for her actions.

One minute dragged by and she knocked again. A gruff, “Just a moment,” came from within.

Boy she’s pissed, thought Charla. Perhaps I should have picked up another pie to make up for the one Odif dropped. She smirked, knowing that Michelle would take that as an insult rather than an act of goodwill.

“She’d probably throw it back in my face,” she said softly to herself.

Finally she heard rustling by the door. “Who is it?”

“Come on Michelle, open up. My arms are getting tired lugging around all this stuff.”

“Charla?” The voice asked testily.

“Yes, Charla. I know you’re pissed, but can you let me in?”

A moment passed. This time the voice was more warm, “Just a sec, I need to move something.”

Charla smiled. The tone of Michelle’s voice told her she was forgiven. After a moment the door swung open.

The first thing she noticed was Michelle in a bathrobe with a towel around her head. The second thing she noticed was that Michelle was holding two pies, one of which was coming right at her. Charla saw it. Her mind even registered what was about to happen, yet she did not attempt to move. All she could do was think, Ah, vanilla cream.

Her world went white.

Michelle was quite pleased with herself. The pie had smashed directly into Charla’s face with a satisfying splut. The tin fell revealing the decimation it had caused. Charla’s entire face was obscured from sight by a sea of white. The cream streaked through her hair in various places and had dropped in little patches along her shoulders and neck. A nice line of fresh whipped cream fell on Charla’s outstretched arm, her hand holding the fan in what appeared to be a death grip. What appealed to Michelle the most was the crust. It had split into three parts and hung there on Charla’s face for a few moments, then slowly slid down her face, revealing the outline of a nose and a pair of lips. The crust desperately tried to stick, but gravity took over and sent it plummeting down on to Charla’s shirt and eventually to the floor.

Time stopped for Michelle.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Charla opened her mouth and breathed. “You know, coming up here I had this silly thought,” she stated matter-of-factly. “About what would I do if you were coming to visit me and our roles were reversed.” She licked her lips slowly, bits of cream dripping off her face. “Though I must admit I think I would have picked chocolate.”

Michelle grinned. “Well now that you mention it.” She lunged towards Charla again, this time pressing the pie to her face rather than throwing it. Chocolate immediately started to drip down upon impact so Michelle smeared the pie up Charla’s face, over her forehead and then let it rest on her head. Michelle could not help but use her hands to smear the chocolate further into her friends hair.

“Oh look, it’s trying to fall down your shirt,” she commented as to large chocolate globs advanced down Charla’s neck, but were held in check by her neck-line. “Let me help rectify that.” With that she pulled open her friend’s T-shirt and pushed the chocolate down. Michelle smiled as she noticed that Charla was not wearing a bra. “Oh but what is this?” she continued. “Chocolate is no good without cream.” A second handful of whipped cream was added down the shirt.

Michlle stepped back and looked at her friend. Charla was a sight. Five foot four with long blonde hair. Her body was slender, even more so than Michelle, who often tried to get her own weight down to match her friend’s. Charla’s hips were nicely rounded and her breasts were on the large size, which miffed her friend because she was often stereo-typed as one who was, well….”blonde”. Michelle, however, knew better as Charla had a Ph.D. in biochemistry and was working on her masters. It was this education that often resulted in her not being called back for second dates. Somehow her intelligence made them uncomfortable and now Charla went out less than she. That always bothered Michelle, because Charla had a wonderful fun side of her. She was playful, whimsical and had a streak of mischief that would put leprechauns to shame.

“Are you quite through?” Charla whispered, her breath coming a bit fast.

“Ummm.” Michelle stepped forward again and gave her friend a huge hug, using her chest to smear in the cream under Charla’s shirt. “Yup. For now,” she said stepping back.

Charla nodded and let the boxes and fan fall to the floor. Slowly she used her fingers to clear her eyes. As Michelle had hoped, the blue-green eyes sparkled with mischief. “I must admit,” Charla said as she wiped a bit of cream from her nose with her finger, “I never thought you had it in you.” She stuck the finger in her mouth and sucked it clean.

“How is it?”

“Delicious as usual.”

“And the rest?”

Charla’s cream covered eyebrow raised, “Huh?”

Michelle pointed at Charla’s shirt and smiled.

“Oh!” Charla pulled open the front of her shirt and looked down at the mess below. “It is cool, I’ll grant you that.”

“But how does it feel?” Michelle persisted, wanting to know her friends opinion in order to compare it to her own.

Charla looked at Michelle, suddenly understanding the question. She pressed her hands against her shirt and rubbed her breasts. “Why it is so cool and creamy,” she chimed in her best southern drawl. “I just get all goose pimply thinking about it.”

Michelle smiled, satisfied. She turned and started to walk to the kitchen counter. “Well just don’t stand there, close the door and come over here so we can continue.”

Charla stopped her rubbing and looked up. “Continue?”

Michelle slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder. A coy smile danced on her lips. “Why of course,” she drawled, mimicking Charla. “You did say you would do anything to make it up to me. Didn’t you?”

Charla’s mouth dropped. “I thought you wanted Andres?” she protested.

Michelle picked up a lemon meringue pie. “I changed my mind,” she said as she dabbed her finger into it, then slowly licked it off, then placed it on the chair that not more than fifteen minutes ago she occupied. “Now why don’t you come over here and have a seat,” she said, patting the edge of the chair.

“The heat’s finally gotten to your brain,” Charla said, wiping more cream from her face and flinging it to the floor. “You’re delusional.”

“Remember the time you put ice cream down my blouse, saying ‘Here cool off.’ Or the time you put shaving cream in my hand while I was sleeping and tickled my nose?”

“Yes, but…”

“What about the time you put Jell-O in my shoes, or the time when you covered my sheets in honey and frosted flakes?”

“Michelle those were a long time ago.”

“I never once got you back.” Michelle lifted the chair and set it down halfway between her and Charla. “Add all those up along with no phone call, well lets just say, I think it is time I did.”

Charla took a step towards the door. “And if I run?”

“Then, I’ll get you another time,” she shrugged. “Only you won’t know when or where it is coming, and I won’t stop until I get you with the same number you had me bake today.”

“Twenty! That’s not fair!”

“Considering I have less than that now, I think your best bet is to come sit down, besides,” Michelle flashed her coy smile again, “you might even enjoy it.”

Charla paused at the thought and slowly smiled. “And how would you know that?”

“If you come sit down, I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Can I take off my shoes and socks?”

“Take off whatever you want, just close the door, you’re letting all my heat out.”

Charla stood there a moment and looked around, spotting the floor length mirror. She gazed at herself and shook her head. What a mess I am, she thought, taking the tin from her head and letting it drop on the floor.

“Oh what the hell, I’m already messy. A little more won’t hurt.” Charla started to take off her shoes and socks, dropping a chain from around her neck into one of the shoes. “Will it?” she asked, slowly closing the door.

“Maybe just a little,” Michelle said, grabbing a second lemon meringue pie.

“Do I get go get you back?” she asked, noting how clean Michelle seemed to look.

Michelle thought for a moment. It would only be fair if she allowed Charla some measure of revenge, however, Charla would definitely have to earn it first. “Maybe. Depends.”

“On?” Charla waited for an answer but it never came. This was a new side of Michelle she had never seen and it made her slightly nervous. It also made her slightly excited. She had no idea of what was to come or how far Michelle planned to take things.

“Coming?” chimed Michelle.

Charla nodded and slowly started to walk across the wooden floor. She stopped in front of the mirror and quickly sized up her predicament. She had been hit in the face with two pies and had sizable amounts of cream stuffed down her yellow shirt, which was now turning brown. Her bangs were matted to her face and her hair was inundated with chocolate. And now, her best friend in the whole world, who up to this moment never showed any signs of meanness or mischief, wanted her to sit in a pie and do lord know what else to her with fifteen plus pies. It was certainly a strange situation, yet Charla could not help but tingle in anticipation.

“You know these shorts are brand new,” she said.

“Then take them off, ” Michelle smiled.

A shiver ran down Charla’s spine. She could not believe she was going to do what she was about to do. “Oookay,” she stammered, unbuttoning her pants. “Are you going to tell me why you think I’ll enjoy this?”

“After you sit, I think you’ll understand perfectly.”

Charla stood there stunned. This was coming from Michelle? Her excitement build as she began to see more and more of this side of her friend. A side she never knew existed. A side she was beginning to like. “Okay,” she said, pushing her pants to the floor and stepping out of them, exposing the clean white panties underneath. “Now what?”

Michelle motioned to the chair again. “Have a seat.”

Charla nodded slowly and walked over to the chair. The pie was huge, with at least six inches of meringue topping. “How do you want me to sit?”

Michelle grinned, her heart beating faster. “Straddle it backwards. Place your hand on the back of the chair and slowly lower yourself in.”

Her friend nodded and straddled the chair, then placed her hands on the back. “Before I do this, what on earth made you think of this?”

“It’s Odif’s fault.”

“Odif?” she asked, once again her friend offered no more..

Michelle nodded and placed her hands on Charla’s shoulders and slowly started to push down.

Charla glanced up at Michelle and let herself be lowered. She could feel her panties break the surface of the pie. A gasp came from her lips as she felt the warm steam of the freshly baked meringue rise up to meet her. Lower and lower she went, the meringue sliding up and hugging her thighs. A plume of the white dessert slowly advanced up her lower back. A second gasp was made when she reached the lemon. Unlike the warm flow of the meringue, this felt cool and sticky and squirted along her thighs. Charla closed her eyes as her panties began to soak up the cool lemon. She finally hit bottom, her rear resting against the crust. For a moment, Charla was content in just sitting there, the lemon soaking through her panties and into her crotch.

“Okay now lean back,” Michelle said, after letting Charla enjoy the sensation for a few moments.

Charla’s eyes opened as Michelle stood over her with a second lemon meringue pie. She was about to speak, but something in her Michelle’s eyes made her stop. Instead she slowly leaned back and closed her eyes, putting her trust in her friend.

Michelle smiled and reached down between Charla’s legs. Slowly she pulled open the sticky panties and then turned the entire contents of the pie into them. Charla let out a quick breath, never opening her eyes, but spreading her legs a bit more. Michelle slowly started to stuff the contents down into her friend’s panties. Soon they were bulging and streams of lemon were coming out the sides. She let go of the panties then placed her hand underneath them, scooping more filling from the pie under Charla, while massaging it into the yellowing under garment.

Charla’s hands clenched the back of the chair, her nails digging into the wood. She was surprised, however with the massaging stopped and she felt a hand against hers. She opened up her eyes. Michelle was beaming as she guided Charla’s hand down into her panties, letting the elastic snap about her wrist. Charla’s eyes widened as she started to rub herself slowly, her friend smiling and stepping back. Without protest, she closed her eyes and started massaging her slit, pressing lemon up into her and then flexing her muscles to drive it back out. Her other hand gripped the chair and her legs were wrapped around the chair’s legs as if gravity had suddenly given out and she had to hold herself down. Charla stroked with growing intensity, her breaths coming faster. Beads of perspiration mixed with the cream on her forehead and down along her neck. The feeling of the meringue dissolving beneath her only caused her to increase her pace

Michelle saw Charla’s body shudder with pleasure as she reached her climax. It was then Michelle splatted her with the lemon meringue pie. She was amazed at how the pie exploded on to her friends tilted face, billowing clouds of meringue flew down Charla’s neck and shoulders. Michelle was even more amazed at how this pie to the face seemingly caused a second orgasm in her friend.

Charla panted and nearly collapsed after the convulsions stopped. She slumped over the back of the chair and just lied there, her breaths coming fast and hard. It was a full two minutes before she lifted her head and wiped the cream from her eyes. She panted a bit and just stared at Michelle, partially in amazment partially in disbelief. Finally she looked up at Michelle who held another pie in her hands. “So how did you know that this would feel.?”

“Cause I accidentally sat on one earlier.” Michelle related the days events after Charla’s phone call.

“I see. I’m sorry for interrupting,” Charla giggled.

Michelle’s cheeks turned red and pointed to the chair. “No you’re not.”

Charla flung some cream at her friend. “What the hell was that last pie for?”

“Improvisation,” she giggled. “Thought I might give you a reward for a job well done.”

“Reward?” Charla protested, clearing more meringue from her face. “What kind of reward is that?”

“Apparently a good one as it helped you to a second climax.”

As the words sunk in, Charla blushed, realizing fully what had taken place. Best friends they were, yet they had never traveled this road before. “What are you planning to do with that pie?”

“Give it to you, of course.”

Charla nodded. “Of course. Where is it going this time?”

Michelle walked over to Charla and handed her the pie. “Wherever you want”

Charla looked at the pie in her hand then back to her friend. A grin as big as a Cheshire cat spread across her face. “Anywhere?”

“Anywhere.” Charla thought for a moment. “You know you hit me with three in the face. Surely I’m allowed more than one.”

Michelle considered and picked up a chocolate cream pie, twin to the first, and handed it to Charla.

“Now take off that silly towel.”

Michelle complied and took the towel off her head, letting it drop to the floor. Her hair, still tangled and matted, fell around her shoulders.

“How about the robe too?”

“Oh aren’t you original,” Michelle chided, dropping the robe around her ankles and kicking it aside.

Charla drew in a breath. She had seen her friend naked before, but never like this. From her neck to her thighs Michelle was coated in a rich mixture of chocolate, whipped cream, lemon and meringue. “Looks like you did know what you were talking about after all.”

Michelle nodded and ran her hands over her breasts and down her sides, her nipples hardening at the touch. “I’m as surprised by this as you are, Charla. But it feels so cool.” She hugged herself. “And wonderful.”

“Why don’t you come kneel beside me?”

Michelle slowly kneeled next to Charla, her heart racing. She looked at her best friend square in the eye and whispered, “Do it.”

Charla zeroed in with both pies and sandwiched Michelle’s face between them. A loud ploooph came as the contents of each pie fought against each other to cover the single face. That cream that lost slid down along Michelle’s bare chest. The pie tins stayed where they were, and Charla made no effort to move them knowing her friend would take them away when she wanted.

Time seemed to stop for Michelle. Her entire face was engulfed and she dared not to move, in fear of missing some of the wondrous sensations she was feeling. She kept from moving as long as she could hold her breath. Finally she raises her arms and pulled the tins away from her face.

She breathed.

Not wanting to destroy the look, she opened her eyes without wiping them away. It was a bit of a chore, but not impossible. Without saying a word she rose and walked over to the mirror, she reveled in the reflection. Both crusts were shattered in several dozen pieces, held in place (for the moment) only by the filling and the cream. She stood there as gravity tugged on the crust and cream on her face, until it finally pulled a portion away. The cream fell only a short way before impacting on her right breast. Michelle stood transfixed as glob after glob fell from her face and leaving its mark somewhere on her body, as it streaked down towards the floor.

So entranced in the spectacle Michelle never saw Charla approach from behind, wielding two pies and once again sandwiching her face, only this time from behind. A muffled cry came as once again her face was engulfed in cream, only this time it didn’t stick as well and almost immediately started to fall.

Charla pressed her front against Michelle’s back, her arms moving around to her friend’s front side, catching the cream as it fell. Slowly she smeared the excess down along Michelle’s body, over her breasts and down to her thighs, then back up again to repeat the process. Taking up a huge handful of filling, Charla promptly smeared her hand directly between Michelle’s legs, pushing the cream into her friend’s inner folds.

Michelle let out a gasp, her eyes opening in shock, but then closing in ecstasy. Charla carefully slid her hand back and forth for a few moment, teasingly, then stepped back. “How many more pies we got?” Michelle asked without turning around.


“Hmmm, four.” Michelle turned around, cream and meringue dripping from her slender body. She had to now walk carefully to the counter as footing was unsteady at best. “I think you still need some attention,” she said, grabbing two chocolate cream.

Charla glanced over at the mirror. “I can’t see where. I’m a total mess.” She pulled a piece of crust from her serverly matted hair.

“Oh I can. Lose the shirt and panties.”

Charla grew red. Up to now she had not thought about being naked, instead leaving that pleasure to Michelle, however if she had any reservations they were quickly cast aside as she watched her cream covered, bare body friend approach her. Somehow it would not be far to cop out now. Slowly Charla pulled her stained shirt over her head. Her slightly creamed breast bounced a bit as she flung the shirt to the same pile where Michelle had tossed her clothes earlier. Charla peeked down her panties, “Ugh, what a mess.” A slotching sound came from them as she slowly pulled them away from her body and down over her hips, finally letting them drop to the ground. Gooey bits of crust and pie filling dripped to the floor from between her legs.

“Okay, now what?” she asked, kicking her panties over to the pile.

Michelle slowly glided over to stand in front of Charla. Her hips swaying sexily back and forth. “Well now you stand still.”

Charla only nodded as Michelle took the first pie and slammed it upwards into her muff. Charla’s eyes bulged as cream and filling invaded her at a racy speed. Michelle slowly rotated the pie around slightly before letting the tin fall. Using her thighs and crotch, she started to massage the filling into Charla’s creamy muff. Michelle’s over turned the second pie just above Charla’s cleavage, then pressed her chest close, once again using it to spread the cream.

In unison the two ladies pressed themselves against one another, their hands sliding, groping and caressing each other’s bodies as well as the own. Lost in the moment, they were only concerned about the sensations they were experiencing. At one point their eyes locked. Without words both asked a question to each other and to themselves, and with a smile and a mutual blush, it was answered. This would be as far as they went concerning intimacy for tonight, however a seed was planted and both wondered just how it would grow.

Michelle stepped back. “Two more. What you think we should do with them?”

“I don’t know,” Charla shrugged.

Michelle thought a moment and then smiled. “I do.” She walked over and picked up both pies. They were the last two of twenty and they were both chocolate cream. “I never did get to do this,” she said, handing one of them to Charla. Using her free hand to grab her robe, she started to clean her face. It took a little effort, and a lot of the robe, but she finally managed to get most of her face clean. A few strands of hair, plastered down either side of her face was all that hinted at what her lovely profile had been through.

Charla had grabbed the chair for Michelle and placed it directly in front of the mirror, however instead of cleaning it off, she piled as much cream from the floor as she could on to the seat. “No sense it going to waste,” she reasoned.

Michelle only smiled as she sat into the pile, her body tingling as it did before. She was going to give herself a pie in the face, and this time, she was not going to chicken out. She looked dead in the mirror and held the pie just above her face. A smash or a smear, she pondered, trying to decide which she would enjoy more. After a moment she made her decision. Then, without a second thought, she tilted her face up a bit and brought the pie to her face with vigor. She could feel the cream engulf her face and flow around her head, to where it dripped down to her shoulders and neck. Michelle savored the moment, bending the pie tin to conform to her face, her nose sliding against the crust. She was determined to get every bit of cream out of this last pie of hers. She rotated the tin and finally let it drop, instantly opening her eyes to gaze at herself in the mirror.

Staring back at her was a site she had longed to see ever since Odif spied on her. Her entire face was comprised of chocolate with white cream streaking in and around her nose and cheeks. The crust had stayed mostly in the tin, however bit of it were evident around her eyes and chin. She could make out the outline of her supple lips and her eyes were only two green dots in a sea of brown. Michelle licked her lips slowly, enjoying the taste as well as the wonder of seeing her lips go from chocolate brown to pinkish-red. This was all so simple and yet so satisfying to her, and she chided herself gently for being a coward the first time around.

She watched in fascination as the cream slowly dripped from her face, even jutting out her chest to allow it to fall on the end of her erect nipples. Michelle grew light-headed with the flurry of sensations. She allowed herself a few more moment of pleasure, before sitting up and looking up at Charla. Her friend had an amused look on her face and it was apparent that she enjoyed watching Michelle, just about as much as Michelle enjoyed pieing herself.

“Okay, your turn.”

“To do what?”

“The same thing I did, silly.”

Charla looked at the pie then back at Michelle, then without missing a beat, smashed the pie into her friend’s face. Michelle protested only for a second before relinquishing herself to a second pie in the face. Charla tossed the tin aside and sat on Michelle’s lap, caressing her face with both her hands and smoothing out the thick cream as if were a facial mask being applied.

Michelle licked her lips with a smack, “Damn I’m a good cook.”

Charla looked around at the mess. “I hope you are a better maid.”

“That’s okay, I still have you as my lackey.”

“Say what.”

Michelle smiled, “Hey, you said you would do anything…” She never finished the sentence as Charla pressed two handfuls of cream back into her face, sending Michelle off the chair and on to the slippery floor. It was no use to try and retaliate. Any footing was near impossible and there was no way Michelle could make Charla any more messier. Instead she resigned herself to a fit of laughter.

Charla sat herself down next to her best friend. “You know,” she started, taking a glob of cream from Michelle’s breast and flicking it to the floor. “You wasted all of them and now you’ll have to bake all over again.”

“Yeah, but who cares. It has been a long time since I let loose like this.”

“You certainly were a wild one,” Charla admitted. “I have to say, I’ve never seen you like this.”

Michelle licked her fingers and glanced over at the mirror. “That is because I’ve never been like this before.” They both laughed and leaned back on their elbows.

“So how we going to thank him?”

“Thank who?”

“Odif,” replied Charla with a smile. “It was his fault we are where we are.”

Michelle nodded and thought for a moment. “We’ll let him help clean up.”

The two women sighed and looked around, neither ready for the task of cleaning up. Finally Michelle stood up and headed for the closet where she kept her garbage bags. “So you going to help me bake on Saturday?”

“Why, the banquet isn’t until Sunday.”

“I know, but it will take us two days to crank out forty pies.”


Michelle turned to Charla and grinned mischievously. “Forty.”

Her friend flashed her own grin back. “Okay, you have yourself a helper.”

“Good,” Michelle said, pulling out the first garbage bag. “Only this time, we are doing the baking at your house.”

Aviar (

Sweet Dreams Are Made of These

— by Arizona —

“Get the hell out of here,” she said to me in a voice likely heard by the dead, “you are insane! I don’t want to see you anywhere near my house!” With that, the door slammed on my face. I had to check to see if my nose was still there. Thank- Thankfully, it was. As I walked towards my car, I looked at my girlfriend’s place for one last time. No apologizes and turning back for us. Quickly, the reality of the situation jettisoned through my body. Piper was gone and she wasn’t returning to my life. The Smithereens mantra of “Only A Memory” was happening to the couple that was odds on favorite for marriage. Who would of thought? I wouldn’t of thought. I guess now it doesn’t mean shit who even had a thought on us. Nearly three and half years of barefoot walks on the beach under mandarin skies and last minute weekends together got vaporized in a matter of seconds by mentioning a fantasy to her. I want to pie her and I’d let her pie me. I thought Piper was hip enough to indulge me, but a sharp buzzer went off in my head. Gary Owens told me I was disqualified and to get my ass out of there without a parting gift.

As I climbed into my car, I looked down on the floor at the pies that I hoped would be in our faces. I wondered if I made a detour in our relationship by even mentioning such an adventure for us. As I thought more intensely about my drama, everything seemed to melt around me. You know like when a television show goes into flashback mode. I closed my eyes and saw a mosaic of bright white cream, chocolate, pink frosting and marshmallow totally covering Piper’s sun bronzed face. She is in nirvana.

Piper never knew receiving a pie in the face could make her feel so sexy and alive. She takes my hands and through her beautifully smeared face, she commands me, “Pie me again and I will do you!” I watch Piper’s celestial naked body walk towards the kitchen table to select a pie for me. I was quite excited, I nearly trip out of my underwear. I feel like Peter Sellers undressing for Lesley Anne Down at the end of “Pink Panther Strikes”. She giggles, almost dropping the pie. By now we’re both completely naked in Piper’s kitchen. I can’t help but think how this would be a Messy Fun moment. She grinned. I’m clean but it won’t be long before I’m not. “Are you ready?” she mischievously retorts. “Let me taste your sweet love.” I replied.

With one hand, Piper pushes a grasshopper pie firmly in my face. She rotates the tin plate to ensure maximum coverage. She got me real good. What could of been moments of confusing blindness were stimulated by feeling my love’s breasts against my chest and her tongue in my mouth. This was heaven. No wonder I always sought out girls being pied on television as a youth. I just then didn’t know how it existed on the next echelon.

Just as Piper eases closely into me to take another pie, a flashback overcomes me again. I remember smashing a pink desert into Piper’s face because I remember tasting it off her breasts. Suddenly I am back laying across my futon. What part was the dream? It took a moment or two for me to jump into composure. Just then I realized this was the day. I had been mulling it over all week. How do I exactly tell my girlfriend it would be a turn on if she allowed you to pie her? Of course I was going to allow the favor to be returned. But how? The gears in my mind turned.

I didn’t mean to be a tease earlier with my pie episode but it was part of the total dream that gave me doubts. Piper told me she’d love me no matter what. This is a big what. Anyway, enough of going in circles. We’re at her house for the moment of truth. A grim silence befalls us. I begin to sense dread. Piper looked at me with her warm green eyes. I always get lost in them. If I can not trust those orbs, then everything between us has no meaning, right? Before I can interject, Piper smiles at me. She rubs her foot across mine (yes, we were barefoot but this isn’t a foot fetish story sorry) and said, “I know there’s something on your mind.” “Actually there is,” I said, “there’s been something I want to talk with you about.”

Piper nodded. “That makes two of us. Who do you want to go first?” I leaned over the table and kissed Piper. “You go first. I know you’ll thrill me.” “I have this really crazy idea. One of these days, I would love for us to get together and have a pie fight. I want you to smash pies right in my face and all over my body.”

I smiled. This is what I’ve been waiting for. I can’t blow this though. I must remain cool, but like a kinky version of The Fonz. “Sounds like a fun plan. Let’s do it. If you want to be pied I’m there.” Piper leaned in and kissed me. Again I’m lost in her eyes. She whispered, “You’ve been waiting for this moment. I know you. Just how long have you been wanting to pie me though?” Time for all honesty. “Forever. I’ve always loved seeing girls take a pie or three. Since I didn’t know how you felt about it.” “Now you can pie me for real. Mind if I ask if you’ve ever been pied before and did you like it?” “I’ve been in a lot of pie fights in high school and college and yes I did like the experience. What about you?” Piper looks as if her dreams have waltzed into her conscious state. “I’ve been pieing myself since high school. I’ve just been waiting for someone I could pie back.” “As I said, I’m your man, Piper.” She took my hand from across the table. In her sexiest voice she stated, “I’m your girl.”

You’ve been patient with the set up, know here is your reward. Piper and I spent the previous Friday buying pies and various ingredients for our newly discovered sexual ecstasy. We got looks from a health freak or two, but a cashier who must of been a WAM fan herself gave us a knowing smile. We need more hip people like that. Over at Piper’s, we slowly undressed, leaving our clothes were they dropped. As we embraced and kissed, I could feel her heart racing with excitement against my chest.

Piper always took care of her body. Years later, she’s just as beautiful. My eyes gazed upon the girl I first fell in love with. It was like the first time I saw her naked. I gently sucked on her nipples as she massaged The Johnson, but halted before I was able to come. We wanted the pies to join us with climax. We were now ready for them.

Piper took my hand and pointed to a homemade cool whip and graham cracker crust. “I want it all over my face and head,” she commanded, “hit me!” I’ve always been a good listener. So I let Piper have it. I took her left hand and with my free one, pushed the first pie into her waiting face. She moaned with pleasure as the treat obliterated into her angelic features. I made sure to get cream streaked in her amber hair. I took some resents and off her face and whipped it onto her breasts. Her nipples were already rock hard with happy intoxication.

I didn’t even have to ask. Piper immediately retrieved a French Silk and rotated into my face. She knew I wanted extreme facial coverage as did she.

“How do you feel, baby?” Piper asked me. It took a moment to grab my breath. Not from suffocation mind you, but ecstasy. My girl was into the same quirks. I had to state, “Absolutely fabulous!” As we viewed each other naked and with a pie in our faces, we started to giggle a little. We both owned a sense of wistful disbelief we were actually doing this. This was almost all to surreal, but feeling the sweet breath of my WAM lover Piper as I held her, lured me into the reality zone. God she looked so fuckin’ cute with her cool whip besmirched mug.

“You better pie me again, buddy!” Piper said as she held my erect penis and inserted just the tip into her just for a moment. A sneak preview for later. The tease! A grasshopper pie (she got it in the face instead of me here) was instantly annihilated into her face and breasts. I had to remove the crust from her eyes so she can see me to return the favor. Piper took some of the sticky green cream and rubbed it into my penis. I arched my back while she licked it clean.

“My turn!” I said with urgency. Piper lead me to the table and pick out a fluffy pie. I stood waiting for delivery. She slowly brought the pie towards my face. I don’t flinch. We both know I want it. Piper, always full of surprises decked herself in the face! Chiffon splattered on my chest and all over her front. Her features are enveloped in crust and filling. I can’t even locate her jaw and cheekbones. I can tell she’s laughing because I see the underneath of her the quivering. “You look fattening but delicious!” I said to her. Piper’s vision is cleared just in time to see me pie myself in front of her. I can’t see but I don’t care. I’m holding my girl and we’re kissing with all the passion enough to start the Chicago fire. Crust and some filling land on our feet and between our toes. Her and I are mess, but we don’t care.

“You’re a little too clean down there!” Piper informed me as she spun a raspberry pie into my crotch and up towards my chest. The feeling is cool and invigorating. I do my best impression of a messy Fred Astaire and grab her towards me and with one hand, smack a whipped cream and custard pie right on her ass! Willing to try any food at least once, Piper leaned into me and gently lifted raspberry filling from below. She hums melodiously with a MMMM.

“You know, sweetheart,” I said to Piper, “I think your face needs to get messed some more. Don’t you think?” I pick up a pie and she picks up one for me. “Let’s make this one a game,” She said, “turn around.” I do. “I’ll count three and we hit each other.” Immediately on three, we spin to each other and once again pie meets face. By now we look like living abstract art. Our faces and bodies are a collage of bright Technicolor. I work the filling that jumped from the first impact into her hair and face. Piper does the same to me. We both look at each other. Again we had to laugh at the site that’s us. We looked even funnier in the mirror Piper set up in the kitchen. The first silence we had all evening came to us. Even through her celestial pied face, I get myself lost her in lost in her sparkling green eyes. She didn’t have to say a word and I needed zero for her.

We took the remaining six pies and placed them on the floor. I gently eased into Piper, sucking her nipples and kissing her deeply. She kisses my chest and stomach. We’re both on the sticky floor, absorbing splashed filling into our bodies. Piper inserts my penis into her and begins to waltz on me. I can feel my warrior exploring her sugar walls, my muscles contracting with luxurious pleasure. It doesn’t matter if I can see Piper’s facial expressions or not. As many times we’ve been together, I can read her by body movements. She sways gracefully on me. I reach up and touch her wonderful breasts. She takes my hands and runs them up her body and down again.

I arch my back a little and reel Piper on top me. Her breasts heave against my chest, my penis deep inside of her. I can feel her holding me tight into her body. She has no intention of letting go. I don’t want her to either. We moan quietly but with the excitement of our first time. Our bodies gyrate on the floor, melting some of pie off our bodies. I can feel the dissolved residue absorbing into me. For the quick second we stop kissing, we gazed at each other. She nodded. I know. With a free hand, I reached for the pie next to me. Piper doesn’t stop rocking as I bury the pie into her face. I get splashed with cream and fruity substance. I can hear her crow MMMMM and “I love you so much.” My heart feels a pull. I’m taken. Piper’s told me she’s loved me before. She was the first to say it before I. I close my eyes and flash to when Piper told me the first time. I thought my heart was going to stop then. I think to myself, Piper must be the one. She has to be the only true love in my life. She and I are legend. I was never much for biblical mythos but Piper is the so called rib intended for me. I was confirmed especially as she decked me in the face with a peanut butter-chocolate pie. She lovingly give the tin plate a delightful twist. She knows how we both love maximum facial coverage. I wasted no time in telling her how much I loved her as well. Always did and will. Then with that we both came. Piper fell into my arms for an embrace. I hold my sticky WAM immortal close to me. Even after several pies to her face, she is angelic.

Piper whispers, “Four pies, two faces, two each, sweetie.” There was no way I was even thinking of letting a further opportunity go to waste. I smiled and kissed her I don’t have to say a thing. I just motioned her with my finger and we sat up in a circle. I wrapped my legs around her and she puts her legs around me and gives a little reassuring squeeze. I put my right hand around her waist and with my left hand I reached for the second to last pie and level it into Piper’s sweet face. This one is chocolate-marshmallow caramel. As I swirled the calorie hazardous desert, filling cascaded on to her front. I massaged the cream on her, from her crotch to her breasts. Let me tell you, South is good.

“You can’t leave without desert now.” Piper playfully sang as she held my face into a key lime pie. She moved my head back and forth inside the tin plate. As I raised my head, I hear her giggle. I released my vision for it’s cracker barrier. I laugh with her. Especially after some of what Piper put in my face ended up in hers. “One more each,” I said. “this is the end of the line, babylove.” both Piper and I feel a little bummed. If we had the cash flow, we would of loved to take at least another twenty in the face each. Of course that’s ridiculous thinking and not a financially sound move.

The burning question of the evening came on us. How should we pie each other with this final pie? What could we do? I thought about it. Piper stood behind me and stroked her hand down from my penis and up towards my stomach. She kissed me and let my face receive the final pie for the evening. Piper empties a can of whipping cream in my face and body. “I love you with my all my heart but you think too much.” “Oh really,” I retort, pretending to be insulted, “I think just for that, your face has an appointment with mister pie.” She walked toward me with anxious pleasure. I took Piper by the waist. She held up a finger to my lips. “Wait a second.” I watched her naked, treat battered body skip off to her refrigerator. Still sexy and cute, she walked towards me with two cans of whipping cream. Piper clinched her toes into mine. “First I want you to empty those cans in my face and body. Then you can pie me.”

Who was I to argue? Piper raised her arms and twirled as I completely sprayed her from head to toe. I made sure to cover her breasts first. I had perfect accuracy. Nothing was wasting of misfires. The contents of both cans was on Piper. A lot of the white mist buried her already several times pied face. Afterwards her face got introduced to the final pie. It was colorful one too, enveloping over her white, milky features. Temporary blinded, Piper almost tripped on me. I catch her. Finally being able to see again, she and I stare at our handiwork. Here I am painted in whipping cream and pies, looking an absolute crazy mess. Piper worse off with twice as much whipped cream and pies on her face and body. It didn’t take long before her and I were making sweet love again on the floor. And I do mean sweet.

After our episode was over. We scanned the reality of clean up. This was going to be a bitch. Neither one of us said it, but we knew. Anyway, it took a good few hours to return her kitchen to normalcy. We did not clean up much and stayed naked. It made things more fun that way. Besides, Piper and I, still very aroused by our pie incident, stopped to make love a couple of times. If you want details, just reference the earlier descriptions and use your illusion.

Now for us to get clean. We had already gathered up the crust and excessive filling off our bodies and tossed it in a plastic bag. We didn’t want to make an even bigger mess than we already made in her place. I walked towards the bathroom where our evening with pies would officially conclude. We’ve taken many together before, but this one seemed special. We stepped inside and began to kiss, not stopping at just the lips. I supported myself against the wall as Piper pleasured my love warrior. I closed my eyes and saw the two of us naked on the beach. We were making love by an indigo ocean, gentle waves christening our thrusting, gyrating bodies. Sort of a late twenty-some version of “The Blue Lagoon” but without the Hollywood doubles standing in for us.

Though Piper and I were rained on from underneath the shower nozzle, the ignited passion couldn’t be chilled by the water that erased the memories of erotic slapstick from our bodies. I saw dissolved goo race into the drain. I rubbed soap into her body, lather inviting me into a sexual game of a peek-a-boo with her breasts and love zone.

As I bathed my formerly creamy WAM mate, she soaped me up as well. Her spindly fingers rode up my body, taking extra care with my penis. I saw the Johnson growing with happy mania as the Queen Piper of the Magic Touch, caressed it. I brought her close into me, kissing her gently on the lips, my hands trekking every region of her chiseled body. Time was now. We’ve seen “Seinfeld” and we both know the effect heat has on male anatomical equipment. I drove my rocket into her galaxy and placed her against the wall. A slight mist was building from the heat. I found it romantic and invigorating, every pore on my skin was tingling. Piper’s protracted nipples tickled my chest muscles. I was sore from being at the gym yesterday, but I didn’t care. I felt her sugar walls compressing me. She squeezed me tight, not wanting to release. I had no intention of letting her from my embrace either. I ran my hand down her hair, ringing out excessive water.

It was a good several hours from the first pie induction to getting cleaned up. We were graced with the phone not having ring once. Piper and I kicked back on her bed naked, eating pizza and drinking wine. we reflected on our adventure, laughing at the images of our pied faces. We inducted each other into the spectrum of WAM. Scheduling time for us to repeat our performance was for another time. We were kind of tired to commit ourselves to designing thought now.

Piper snuggled close to me. I’m going to make another statement about how I fell into her eyes. Piper told me how she was engaged my orbs. Feeling a trite sleepy, we put the food aside. We just got clean and didn’t feel like taking another shower just yet. As we got under the covers, we kissed like this would be our last. Descending into my arms, Piper asked me if she was the girl I always hoped for. Absolutely yes. I didn’t want to ask if I was who she longed for. There was no need to. She immediately told me that I was the one. I looked into her eyes for a final time that evening. Slowly a curtain of darkness fell on me. My environment drifted into a lull of silence. I managed to get a quick image before slumber possessed me. It was the angelic Piper still in my arms. Happy and serene, she was with her immortal beloved, the man telling you this story of love among the pies. I was contented she was next to me. That’s all I needed. Moments later I joined her in the safe universe. I suppose I dreamt that evening. I couldn’t tell you what it was about though. I have a reality to live for and she’s mine for the keeping.

More Stories

— by Argus —

As she walked in from of me, I grabbed the towel that was her only garment, and I tossed it out of the window. “Oh crap!” she said, “Now I’m naked!” She stood in front of me, her hands on her hips. She smiled and grabbed my towel and tossed it out of the window. “Thats better…I like you that way!!” Her nipples were erect, as always when she was nude. One of the staff grabbed an absolutely huge lemon cream pie from the table which held the dozens of cream pies needed for the day. It was thick, rich, and piled high with very creamy and gooey whipped cream. The filling was very heavy lemon pie filling, extra sticky. She stood in front of me, her firm breasts and lean, lovely curves grabbing my attention. I asked her if she was nervous standing naked in a room full of cream pies. She said “who cares?” The assistant crept closer, the very big cream pie on the flat of her hand, ready for the splat! As my lover turned to see who was there, the assistant thrust the entire lemon cream pie into her face, causing her to jump a little, her nipples to get extra hard, and sending white pie cream and lemon pie filling flying in all directions, landing with blobby splats on her sholders, breasts, and sending a great gout of cream pie over onto the top of her head. Her hair around wer face was thoroughly embedded in the big, thick, creamy lemon pie. A gooey glob of cream dripped off of the pie and onto her nipple, drowning it in white whipped cream. She bent over, taking the pie from her face. Her entire face was buried in white cream and pie filling. She smiled, licked the pie from her lips, and stood up straight, her face ringed with cream pie, and her sholders, chest and round, full breasts globbed over with the contents of the extra large lemon cream pie. “Oh damn!” She wiped the sticky, gooey pie from her eyes and looked at me. “You had me pied!! I have never had a pie-in-the-face, and you get me when I am naked!!! I’m naked and cream-pied!! You are going to get it!! God, look at this, I am just covered, simpley covered with whipped cream. It tastes good!” With that, she picked up a thick, coconut cream pie and sauntered over to me. “I have always wanted to throw a pie at someone…is it more fun that getting a pie in the face?? I hope you like lots of coconut cream pie! And lot and lots and lots of whipped cream!!! Here it comes” and she gave me the biggest pie in the face I have ever had!! She smashed the pie all over my head, left and right and into my ears! I had cream all over my face, hair and chest, and a big gob landed smack on the top of my cock. I stood there and let the crust fall off, and then I wiped my eyes. She was laughing “You look great!!” And she bent over and put her whole, wet, warm mouth over my cock and licked the cream off. ” I have always wanted to do that!!!”

I said “Look! a whole table with dozens of huge, creamy, cream pies topped very very high with pie cream! Whipped cream!! Want one??” And I too another coconut cream pie and gave my beautiful lover her second giant, thick, gooey pie-in-the -face of her day. I took another cream pie from the table and let her have it with at large banana cream pie. An extra special, 5 inch thick sloppy-gooey very heavy cream pie, a banana cream pie with extra cream. The pie went splort! on her face, and cream and pie filling splattered in a great wave over here neck and breasts, covering here tits and her nipples. I licked the sweet crust and filling slowly from her nipples and she squirmed. She wiped her eyes, and wiped her hands on my chest. “You look good” I said. “I feel white!…I’ve been shellacked!! Whew! Three pies in the face in one day!!” She was a patchwork of goo all over her body, with big pieces of crust stuck to her hair, face, body, legs. . . “She pouted “I’m all messy. I’m a pie! Come here.”


I was wearing a sundress at this yard party, a nice thin thing. No bra, but I was wearing panties. L dared me to take off my dress and go naked… somehow she knew that I had really wanted to take it off and strip for all those people but as always I had to be coaxed! So, I said “when, now?” L said I was scared, and that she’d double dare me! I told her that if I did then she had to do it too! She said she’d see. She kept daring me, so finally, I excused myself to the bathroom, took off my panties, and undid the zipper to my dress. I crossed my arms just to keep the thing up and walked back out to the yard. Everyone was standing around, talking. I walked up, L said “There you are!” She waved at me, and I waved back. Of course, as soon as I dropped my arm and waved with the other one, the thin cotton dress went zip! right off me to the ground! L was turning me into a exibitionist, because I loved that moment! “Accidentally” naked! I said “Oh no!! The zipper broke!! Oh well, does anyone mind?” At that L said “Does anyone mind?” All the men said “No!!” loudly! I liked that!! I just smiled and asked if I could join the party again… very naked, every inch of my nice olive skin exposed to the sun, my firm, round perky tits wiggling just a little, my nice legs ready to walk over, in bare feet on the lovely ass getting some tan! My straight black hair loose between my shoulders.. and a big goofy smile on my face!! Thats the way it seemd to me anyway! As I got closer, L said “Well, I for one think you should be wearing *something*!” I did not understand this at first, because she was the one to talk me into getting naked, but then I saw the smile on her face and before I knew it 10 people had launched whipped cream pies straight at me! I was SOO surprised!! Now I remembered, in that split second why she said what she said!! At the party where I first got pied I had said something similar to her. Anyway, so 10 people threw 10 pies and I, naked little me, standing with *no* clothes to protect me, in the warm sun, my nipples very hard and standing out sooo much, was the target! Unknown to me, L had set up one of my fantasies for me! I got hit by two pies *right* in my face! Perfect hits! The cream was so COLD! And it was so MUCH! They had really laid it on thick, let me tell you! All at the same time these big thick whipped-cream pies hit me and plastered me! One hit between my tits, and one hit my right breast perfectly, shooting cream up under my chin! They got my stomach pretty good too, just *nailing* my crotch like a target! It felt so so so cold on my breasts and between my legs.. the insides of my thighs got some and it really was cold and creamy!! My nipples almost hurt with the cold at first, but then warmed up a bit! Someone tossed from the side, and a big whipped cream pie hit the side of my head, filling my ear with cream and half of my face *again!* I thought that my hair must be just covered! They pied my legs (someone couldnt throw!) and I guess one missed me completely (how sad!!)! The cream was so cold, I just stood there stunned, not able to move!! After the first wave, I felt three more cream pies hit me.. one right on my ass, and one on my back, sending cream up my back, which felt great! It really completed the feeling of being covered, although my feet would need to be squishing around in it for me to feel completely dipped 🙂 And finally, one in the back of my head, and L said “To complete the effect!!!”. I just *stood* there, with everyone clapping loudly, yelling, and lots of laughing!! Someone yelled “That was fun!! lets do it again!!” I wish! But there were no more pies! I yelled “Any more pies? Or am I safe now? Hey! Can’t a girl go naked and be safe anymore??” Everyone yelled “No”! I laughed and wiped my eyes and licked my lips!. L looked at me, laughing and shook her head! I said “I’ve been pied! You guys Pied me!!” She said “I know!!!!” OOh, I felt good, with that cold cream melting and dripping down my body! L said “We got you good.. you *never* knew it was coming!” I stood there, licking my lips, wiping my eyes from melting whipped cream. “Nope, I didn’t! It was great! Like in the movies!” She told me it was like 14 pies or something, and that I was completely white!! She said “Hey, next time we use marshmellow and it won’t melt as much!!” I just smiled and said “promises, promises!” Someone yelled “was it good??” I said “yes!” Someone else yelled “Do you think we got you with enough whipped cream!!??” I said “Next time us 20!!!” And everyone laughed, calling me crazy! I had been pied, pied, pied, pied, pied, and pied again!!

I said “L, you have to stop pie-ing me at parties!!” She said “No, thats the best time, because you least expect it and because you told me you like to be naked for unsuspecting crowds! And these people are cool.. they won’t think bad about you at all!” She was right! I thanked her, kissed her, and she said “You just wait! I wasn’t kidding about the marshmellow!!” I said “good!!”!!

Pie Story 2

— by Argus —

My girlfriend and I are big pie-fans. Pie-rotica. We get naked, we throw big cream pies at each other, we laugh like crazy, and we, by degrees, get into some great lovemaking. Crazy. Fun, silly, and wildly erotic.

She and I met at a party… she is a gorgeous woman, a model for department store catalogues, local magazines, and so on. She is also wickedly smart, and was suffering the attentions of a tall, good-looking and terminally dumb actor. I am not a tall, good-looking actor, I am a mid-sized, moderate-looking writer, but fortunately with an IQ. So, I walked on over, said something to make her laugh, and we talked all night.

A week later we were in bed together.

A day later we could not stop thinking about each other, and talked every day for hours on end.

Anyway, so one day she discovered a videotape I had,.. a “Messy Fun” tape. Her reaction was, and I quote, “Oh! Wow! I have the same one! J—, (her best friend), gave it to me last year!!!” I said “I love that stuff!” She said “Me too!! I told her that if I were a stripper I would dress like a keystone cop, take my clothes off and then take a pie. SO she gave me this tape which she got from her ex.” I asked “Do you like throwing or receiving??”

“Oh, both!!” she smiled.

“yep, me too!!” I answered.

And so, we confessed our pie-pleasures to each other and had a great laugh. That night, we ran out to buy two banana-cream pies and play-acted a scene where we both plastered each other.

Now, we often come up with new situations and new ideas as the set-ups for the pie-ings. Sometimes we just stand in the shower and exchange desserts, sometimes we do elaborate settings. What prompted the following, which you’ll read soon, was when she did a shoot for some bikinis, and wound up in one, a peach $230 thing which was 2 sizes too tight across her bust. “One good cough and I was gonna explode!” she told me.

“Wow, ” I said, looking at her proofs, “You do look sexy in it though!!” She was running her hands through my hair as she stood next to me, looking at the photos. “Yeah, ” she said “but it was too tight. It is also pretty thin fabric, so I thought I was gonna bust through it. And when I walked, I bounced like crazy, so I had to walk like a dancer.”

I kissed her “Wish I was there for this one”. She smiled back.

She said “I know what my being topless does to you. Not that I am complaining, but you would have distracted me and I would have had to do you in front of all of those people!”

“Oh, right!” I said. “You would have been half-naked, which allows me to pie you, so I would have plastered you.”

She smiled at me and said “Oh, so all I have to do is go topless and you’ll pie me?”

“Of course!!”

“What happened to naked-naked??”

“That too, my love, that too!”

She laughed “Aha!! A man after my own heart!”

As an aside, once I seduced her by making dinner, reading poetry, and rubbing her shoulders. She managed to lose her dress, get me undressed, and take me by the hand to the bedroom, where she said “You’d better wear a condom now, because we are stating early”, and she reached into the armoir and took a nice big homemade cream pie and just nailed me with a monster and gooey pie-in-the-face. I stood there like a slapstick character from a silent movie, and when a big glob fell from the plate and landed on top of my erection, she said “don’t move” and did an oral-sex number which I still don’t believe. This is how we suprise each other. Ok, back to the story..

She kissed me and said “Ok! I have no problem going naked, so be prepared. But: I get my revenge” and she ran her open hand over my face, pantomiming a pie. I replied, “You’d better!!!” With this in mind, read on…

A few weeks later, we had a party at the house. We have a pool in the back yard with a deep deep-end, allowing for diving. There were a few people there, some close friends from her agency mostly. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and she came out onto the patio in a too-small off-white bikini. A $200 thang she got to keep after a shoot since it didn’t fit. My heart leapt. I walked over and gave her a really good kiss and told her how GOOD she looked. She smiled and said “It barely fits. I’m almost gonna bounce out of the top and the bottom feels like a band-aid!!” I laughed and went in to bring her a wrap-around to go around her waist.. a thin blue cotton thing she did a wrap with and tucked the loose corner under so it would stay.

I ran my hands through her boyish haircut and kissed her again. I whispered in her ear “I have some ammunition in case you do fall out of that thing!” She grinned and whispered back “Good! Even if I don’t fall out, I think I’ll just rip those clothes off of you, pie you really good and let you chase me with the other one.” “MMM, welll, ok. Talk me into it”. She laughed and said “Yeah, right! Come one, guests are waiting”.

I had the pies in boxes on the patio table, closed so the guests had no idea what was in them.

So we talked, ate, barbecued, until after some time it was early evening and the only guests left were one of her model-friends, her best friend actually, and her best-friends boyfriend.

“I’m going in for a swim!” my gf said, and tossed me her wrap. She walked up close, her nicely sized boobs bouncing noticably (well, I noticed!) in the off white bikini. When I looked closely, I could see the outlines of her nipples, which tells you how thin that fabric was! She said, sotto-voce, “Lets see what happens” and winked. Before she walked away, she gave my dick a long grope and her eyebrows went up as she noticed I was (ahem) a but excited. As she walked to the diving board, her best friend asked me “Did she just grope you???” and yelled “You’re bad, girl, just bad! Thats why I love ya!” Then back to me “You let her grope you in public like that???”

I answered “Hey, I get my hands down her shirt in elevators..” and I shrugged.

“Now I see why you live with this guy!!” she yelled.

Now my gf was on the board and executed a reasonably decent dive. I thought for sure that the bikini was history, and my heart started to pound as I inched toward the pie-box. Once I looked into the pool and at her underwater, I could see the top intact but her bottoms around her knees. I made a dash to get a towel, and met her at the edge of the pool where she adjusted the bottoms. As she stepped out, I handed her the oversized towel, then the blue wrap. She put on the wrap, and then took off the bikini bottoms. Now the bikini top was almost transparent, which set me going, and her sexy figure under the boue wrap, sans bottoms, was just amazingly erotic.

“I though for sure my top was gonna come off on that dive”

I smiled “Yeah, me too!!”

She smirked “Lucky for you those shorts are big, mister”

Close call, but no cigar. The four of us took to chaise lounges and talked for a while. When the other two went inside the house together for a moment, I got my hands on my gf’s breasts, caressing with my fingers. She put her head back nd smiled and closed her eyes. I got my fingertips around her nipples and lightly stroked (through the bikini fabric), which got me a “OOh, I love your hands when they do that.” I said “I know” and smiled.

She looked at me under half-open lids and said “And we know what that does to me. Are the other two coming back yet?” “Um, not yet” “Good”, and she got her hand inside my shorts and started to caress me. It was my turn to melt into squichy puddles of joy. I got my hand under the wrap, caresses her backside, and worked my way to her clit, gently stroking. She smiled and made a nice “I give up” sound.

Once we heard them coming back, we extricated ourselves and tried to look innocent.

She looked at me and then said “I’m taking another swim, now that I’m all dried off”. “In the wrap??” I asked. She said “What, you’ve never seen my butt before? Just be ready just in case” and I kissed her.

Her best friend, in black bikini, said “Yeah, me too, but no diving for me.” I went to get another soda, and my gf started walking around the pool. Just as she was about to turn the corner of the pool on the far side, the phone rang. Her business phone. We have seperate phones for business. She stopped and I said “Its yours!” She said “Oh, shit, that may be my gig for tomorrow!!” and she started to run back to the house, around the pool.

Well, on about the third bouce of her 35-C boobs, the bikini top made a loud snapping sounds and flew off sideways into the pool. My heart flipped, and I moved fast, fortunately close to the pie-boxes. Her best friend screamed in laughter, and my gf smiled and kept running, her breasts bouncing and the wrap slipping just a little lower (but not off). She said “Oh hell, the *phone!*. As she turned the corner, I grabbed the big lemon cream pie (we have them made special for us with heavy, sweet sticky cream and lemon chiffon filling) and made it around the table, getting the pie out of the tin, and in front of my gf, who, still running at a kind of a jog, looked at me with an “Oh no not now I hav to get the phone I’ll get you for this I love you you’re the best” kind of look…..and I let the pie fly, planting it smack dab into her face just as she scrunched it up for the treat. Between her forward momentum and mine, that lemony, white, very large creamy pie went “SPLMACK!” and covered her face, shoulders, collar bone, laid a white stripe with crust down and across her left boob (and under it.. missing her nipple. How’s that for weird physics??) and leaving her face thickly covered in white cream and pale yellow-white filling, crust on the top of her head and on her nose. She slowed to a halt just 5 feet from teh patio doors, her mouth in a big open-mouthed suprised smile. She was hunched over just a bit from slowing her momentum, and she said “Whoa!!!” The other two just cracked up in laughter!! (They knew about our kink, and we of theirs..). My gf just laughed, and finally stood up straight. The blue wrap had slipped down just enough to show the very top of her crotch, on a sexy angle.

She licked her lips, letting the crust slide down her face and onto her body, and the ground, and her shoulders. “MMmmm!! Honey, this lemon is good!!” She slowly wipe her eyes, still leaving a lot of white cream but woth two green eyes peeking out. The pie was oozing off her face a lot slower now, the crust having gone except for the tip of her nose and even that was gaining downward momentum. She took a creamy finger or two and put it into my mouth. I smiled, and walked close to giver her a kiss, coming away with some cream on my face. She said to our guests “I’ll be right back” and walked over to the table to get the second pie. I looked at our guests and said “I won’t!!” and ran like hell into the house, pied girlfriend with lemon pie in hand in hot pursuit.

I ran into the bedroom, where she finally calmly walked, licking her lips. She took her free hand and discarded the blue wrap. She was very very sexy standing there, BIG pie in her right hand, cream pie all over her face (she wore it well, not taking any of it off that didn’t have to come off for sight or air), big cream stripe starting at her right collar bone and down acress her chest, into cleavage, and on and around going under her left breast. More on her shoulders and little splatterings on her right boob, her arms, her hands, and one foot. Some managed to splat onto her right thigh also. I got very very hard. She said “Off with the clothes, NOW!” I obliged, and stood there naked. She walked up, wearing only the liberal servings of lemon cream pie I had dished to her downstairs, and with her free hand gave my very hard penis a cream-covered-hand-grope and then plastered me with the lemon cream pie, making huge circles with it around my head. She took off the pie tin and took a last piece out of the tin as the majority of the pie stuck to my head from ear to ear, crust ooozing down my face, and pied my dick, rubbing it in really good. She then did a “brushing off the hands” thing and stood back, and laughed, and said “Yeah!! Thats better!! A job well done!!” I loved every minute of it, and wiped my eyes. We walked closer and embraced, and started to go at it. We exchanged oral sex before going to the shower for a clean-up and a climactic finale.

The evening ended perfectly when I told her how I loved to both pie and be pied by her. She smiled and said “Me too. I never thought I would meet a man who loves a pie in the face as much as I do”. I smiled, and replied the same. I said “I love to pie you”. She smiled and said “Almost as much as I love to pie you”. More loving words can’t be spoken.


— by Argus —

Note: what follows is part one of one person’s story of discovery and exploration into getting messy.

The original text was edited a little, some spelling fixed, some words fished for until the right ones were discovered. ———————————————————————-

Part 1: The early years! 🙂

Ok, to start with, this is an account of how I got into all of this, where it took me, and all that. Basically, how I got from being very straight-laced and, well, bored, to having fun and getting very very messy!

I used to work at a cafe, serving latte and depth-charges (coffee with a shot of espresso) to students and tons of guys with goatees and weird majors. Anyway, my best friend LaNyssah (*not* her real name, but her real name is almost as unique) invited me to a party, and of course I’d go. Wherever she went, I went. She is, well… ok: I take very good care of myself, and I think I have a pretty good body. Most of the guys who come in to the cafe think do anyway. I have *never* been jealous of anyone else, except maybe L. She is about my height, but with dark brown skin.. really good skin (I am so jealous!), and a great body. I am not gay by a long way, but if I had to go on a desert island, I’d have to go with her! (Ok, now I am blushing). I’ll explain later.

So to make a long story even longer, we both work the same shift and it must have been finals because he had the coffee week from hell. By Saturday night we were both so stressed from crabby students, late paychecks, rent due, sick cats (nevermind), and some asshole pinched my ass so hard that week it left a welt! Ugh. Memories. So by the time the party was on, we were ready to Party! I even decided to have two beers and not my usual one!

So: to the party and the point of all of this. L and I hung around, I was looking for a possible significant-other, turned up with nada (again! – so where are all the nice handsome rich men!!?? 😉 ), and just hung out with L, drinking a few beers and getting bored. I knew some of the people at the party, which was in an old apartment.. high ceilings, floors that squeaked like angry birds when you walked, an old kitchen… a very nice old place! Lots of nice posters on the walls… I liked the owners already! Anyway, we got bored, and were bitching about the fact that nothing was happening. LaNyssah pulled me into the bedroom-turned-coatroom (after a failed attempt to get people to dance… it was hard to pull them away from their philosophy discussions I guess) and had an idea, which at the *time* sounded completely nuts! It went like this (sort of, based on my memory, and this happened a while ago. Artistic license here we come) L: Ok, so lets get crazy! If I dont let loose I am going to go crazy! Me:I know! Lets do something wild. (By this time I had a nice light buzz on, so whatever catholic-school-girl inhibitions I had were mildly slipping) L: Ok girl! I knew you’d be into this! Here’s what we should do: (she was close, looking into my eyes with a mischeif that had me hooked from that point on! Whatever she did, I did… I wanted to be like her). L(again): We take off *all* of our clothes, put them in our coats here for a while, and walk out there as if nothing was different! Lets see if anyone says anything! Me: ARE YOU NUTS?? Girl, no way! You have a great body (she used to work as a stripper for bachelor parties.. did I mention that??? ooops), but not me! No way! (Inside I was quaking! It sounded like too much fun and deep down I wanted her to talk me into it. I was too afraid to make my own decisions back then). L: What? You have a great little body! All the men think so, believe me! Me: No way! You’re a 36C! How will I look next to you! L: Don’t even go there, miss 34-whetever! Besides, you’re more like a 35. You have great tits, girl, I have seen you in the shower! (This flattered me for some reason.. if a guy said that to me I’d slap him!! Anyway, yes, women do talk like that.. and worse!) Me: Well, what do we do once we are out there??? L: Just as if you had clothes on and try not to laugh! Come on. If I go first, will you follow? Don’t leave me alone out there looking like a fool! Me: (Smiling hugely)… ok! You are crazy!!

We were launghing like crazy, as quietly as we could! L was out of her clothes faster than I. I have to tell you… she has the most beautiful brown skin *all* over, the roundest ass I have ever seen (jealous!) and two very round, large, firm breasts. She was completely naked, waiting for me. I stripped down to my panties out of my cotton dress… a simple affair I got on a sale with two others. She said “Panties too! come on!” I laughed, and must have blushed really red, and took the off, stuffing them with the rest of my clothes into the coat. I was glad the steam heat was on high and the place was warm. My nipples went hard anyway, with the thrill of it. I could *not* believe I was doing this!! I was scared to go through the door to the rest of the party!

Now, let me explain me: I have medium-length straight black hair (to the middle of my shoulder blades in back), a good body, no potbelly at *all*, an ok ass according to me, but I will admit to having a great set of firm, round tits (I always called the breasts until I met L! Bad influence!! ;)… my nipples have a life of their own; when they get hard they really stick out! I have always felt incredible sexy when this happens, and every boyfriend I ever had got instantly hard when I took of my bra to show them my “two best friends”!!! L said that she never noticed that they were so pointy until now. (Pointy? I wondered..must be the dreaded N.E.!!)

So, my heart was pounding, and she asked if I was ready!! I barely was able to say “no” in a really small, nervous voice, when she opened the door and walked right out!!! I almost didn’t follow but at that moment my feet had a life of their own, and out I walked into the dining room which had been turned into a junk-food buffet for everyone. I followed L into the living room, my breasts bouncing a little as I walked!

The only thing *anyone* said as we walked out of that bedroom, dressed in our birthday suits, was some guy who looked at us and said “um…” because he didn’t know what to say! I had a big smile on my face!! No one said *anything*!! I could not believe it!! But the guys had their eyes on us, that is for sure. As I walked up the hall into the living room, I passed a tall skinny arty-looking guy, who looked me in the eyes (he should of been looking lower, but his loss). I looked back and said “Hi!!” IN the most cheery voice I could muster!

I was so nervous, scared, thrilled, and I had never felt sexier in my life!! (That was to change again shortly!! Read on. . .) I was very conscious of the way my breasts bounced and wiggled a little as I walked, and this made me feel even sexier! L was sitting on the couch next to this very nervous looking jewish-sorta guy (at least we were having an effect!!). I sat down in a chair, crossed my legs, put my arms on the armrests, and tried to act like I had on my best green dress (I have light olive skin, so green gos well with me). The guy next to L was staring at my tits, which *thrilled* me, since he was sitting next to the finest pair I could think of, so I put my head back, stuck my chest out just a *little*, and listened to the music, all the time in the back of my buzzing head thinking ” I *cannot* believe I am doing this!!!

So, we sat for a while, people got used to us, no one said a word, amazingly (to this day I am amazed). L finally looked at me and said “I’m going to get some chips. Want anything?” I said I’d go with, so off we went, naked as heaven can see, to the dining room where the tables were pushed back and covered with bowls of doritos, potato chips, watery dip, pretzles….little orange cheesy balls that looked like styrofoam cat toys. We stood close to each other, and whispered:

Me: Wow! No one said anything! Maybe this was not such a good idea. Think of what people will say for the next month!!! L : Who cares about what they think! I am having a great time!! Everyone is pretending not to notice! Except the guy who is staring at your tits! I hope he doesn’t come all over or anything! Me: LaNyssah!! You are soo bad! L: So are you having fun? Me: Yeah.. it really feels sexy, but I dunno… lets go back and get dressed L: Aw, no. Lets stay some more. Lets get even more crazy!! COme on, have fun! Lighten up!! DO you know the reaction you are giving to people here??? Me: Well, maybe a little more. But, I dunno….

I was getting cold feet for no reason at all.. I was just getting a sense of morality or something. Now: *Here* is where it really begins, and here is where my life changed!

Me: Naw, I feel really.. this is too crazy. I am gonna go get dressed. L: Naw, lets get crazy again….what can we do?? Come on, don’t leave me out here alone. .. any ideas?? Me: Well, no not really, but ok. I’ll stay for a while. L: Why don’t you go sit in someone’s lap?? Me: No way!! You go! I don’t know! *You* think of something! You got us into this mess, you get us out!! L: Ok let me think.

She chewed on a dorito.

Me: I really feel like I should be wearing something (I had done a complete 180 from the point I had first stepped out of the door). L: Ok.

So, I turned to walk toward the bedroom. I heard L say “Hey, wait, come here a sec!”.

So, I turned.

Did I mention that a guest had brought to the party a large banana-cream pie, which had then sat un-eaten on that table for quite a long time? It had become soft and very gooey.

So, I turned. And I turned, face, first, into that very very very thick and very very creamy and very very gooey banana-cream-pie which L had tossed, no, *thrown* right at my face!!! I had barely enough time to close my eyes!!! It hit my face with a lout splatting noise, kind of like a “plap!”, sending cream onto a crabby looking girl behind me, all over her arm. The shock of it just stunned me!! All I could do was stand there, my back arching… my mouth in a big “O”, and all I could say was “Ohhh!”, which was the beginning of “Omigod!!”!

It was really thick, and really heavy!! It must have weighed 10 pounds, or so it felt!

I was shocked!! I was stunned! It was a kind of cold pie, so my nipples did their up-at-attention thing again, just as the tin fell off my face and a big piece of crust slid down the side of my face onto my left breast, the cool creamy pie seeping down over my nipple, slowly.

I stood there, my arms half up, half down, I started to laugh a shocked laugh.. I could not move!!! I was stunned! It felt cold! It felt gooey! It felt. . .


Wow, did it feel good!!! The cream on my nipple was sooo sensual.. the pie got into my mouth, and it tasted good. I finally said “Jesus!!”! I started to get wet!! It was the most sexy, fun, sensual feeling I had ever had for some crazy reason!!!

So, as I stood there, naked naked naked to the world, with a banana cream pie all over my face, my black hair, my chest, one arm, and one breast, L just laughed!! She said “Oh Shit!! Oh Shitt!! Oh OH!!! ” She just laughed!!! One guy said “Whoa!!” One person was horrified, some people were shocked, but many just laughed!!!! This got me more excited!! I started to laugh!! “Oh my god” I finally was able to say!!! Someone yelled “Rose got pied!!!!!” Now for some reason *that* just made me laugh more, and made me feel really sexy! Finally, I commanded my arms to move and wipe my eyes. I threw a piece at L and it went Splat on here brown skin, and so it looked *really* white! She screamed!! She said” Oh girl you look funny!” and she laughed! Finally everyone in the room applauded, yelled, etc. I walked into the bathroom and took one look at myself… two brown eyes peeking out from a layer of creamy goo and pieces of crust! It was really heavy still on my face! I looked at me and laughed!! I start to clean up when L came into the bathroom and was laughing!

L: Well, you said you wanted to wear something, and sometime ya gotta do what ya gotta do!! Me: Thats ok, I still love you! I guess I deserved that, almost abandoning you like that! L: Well, you were brave to go out there all naked with me. I like to do it.. I have an exibitionist streak in me. I like to see men’s reactions to my tits when they realize its “look-no-touch”!! And she smiled Me: You’re bad!! No, you are evil!!! L: I hope you are not mad, Rosie. (Not my real name, sorry 😉 Me: No, but when you least expect it, expect it!! L: Ok, clean up and lets get out of here… I’ll buy you a beer!

It was weeks later that I confessed to L my near-orgasm at getting pied, and standing thre naked while people laughed and cheered as I got pied. I had never had a pie-in-the-face, though I saw one once in high school. It was very scary to me, but now that I had had one, my life had changed. I wanted to do it again, to see what happened.

So thats the story of how it all started. As an epilogue…read on.

One night I was alone in my apartment, L was now my roommate but out of town for family, and I was in a very horny, curious mood. So, off I went to the store and bought 3 large cans of whipped cream, and a large chocolate syrup. I then got crazy, and bought a caramel topping, a marshmellow topping, and just for fun one more can of whipped cream. Well, I was embarrased at the checkout! So I got home, climbed into the tub naked (with my “woman’s best friend” nearby, batteries ready to go). I poured the contents of an entire can onto a paper plate, making a huge towering pie of whipped cream. I stood there, in the bathtup, pie in hand, and imagined myself on trial, naked. The judge asked me a question, I said “I don’t know”, and I pied myself, whipped cream all over my body. I poured out the rest of the cans, topping one with marshmellow (sticky!!), one with caramel, and one with chocolate. By the time I was done pie-facing myself, smashing cream into my tits, over my stomach, on my ass, I was really gone! At the end, I got my “friend” ready, took the stuff off the tub floor, covered my eyes, ears, and head, and lay down, and I did myself until I had this incredible orgasm!!

After washing up and gettng the cream out of my nose 🙂 I was convinced that I was really into getting messy. I seemed to like being exposed, laughed at.. like a clown or an actor, or a prisoner. I love being tied up, but I loved the reaction of my imaginary courtroom, my imaginary lover getting so hard watching me.

Anyway, so I’d better stop here.

Dialogue 2

— by Argus —

Hi gang.

I wrote the following in a hurry to send off to my gf in order to cheer her up after a stressful day. As it turns out, it may lead to a good story.

I post it here for fun *and* for comments & criticism (constructive, please).

My gf loved it; a WAMmer friend read it and also got a good laugh out of it.

(This is seriously incomplete, but what the heck… its a fun read anyway).


She looked into my cabinet and said “How on earth did you know I was in a pie mood?” I said “I didn’t!!”

She said “Oh my.. wellll, I could really use a pie-in-the-face. Its been a tough week.”

“That can be arranged!! Get out of those clothes, you sexy woman you!”

“Yes sir!!” and she was naked so fast it was a miracle of physics.

I was out of mine in a hurry too, and very excited.

She backed up against the wall, stuck her chest out, moved the hair away from her face and said “Those better be chocolate cream!!”

“And what else is there??”

“Oh, you are good! Ok, now I’m ready! Yay!”

I grabbed a nice big chocolate cream pie, which was chocolate pudding, warm and gooey, topped with really good vanilla whipped cream, on a paper plate.

She said “Oh, wow, *that* looks good! You are the best! I can hardly wait for this one!”

“One?? I have eight of them!!”

“Eight???? Of those???? All for me?? I’m gonna be covered!!!” she smiled.

“Oh boy will you!!”

“Oh, yeah!! I can hardly wait! A good old fashioned pie-in-the-face! Mmmm!!”


“Ok, I’m ready!! I can hardly wait!”

“I love to just pie you actually”

“Well, I love a good pie. Ok, so, hit me. In the face. Right here!”

I was ready to throw and she said “Wait!”


“I just want to tell you how much I want that pie. I mean, It feels so good. Make sure you get me really good”

“Ok!! Ready?


Again I was gonna throw when:

“Wait! Are all 8 for my face? I mean you’re gonna give me 8 pies in the face??”

“Well, yeah!!”

“Ok, well, pie my boobs too! Don’t wanna leave them out! I am really in the mood for a matching cream-pie bikini. I mean, I’m naked. Might as well take advantage of it!!”

I smiled. She knew she was driving me wild with this talk!!!

“Oh, and one more thing!” she said.


“Make sure my nipples get extra cream. That feels good!”

Now *I* was gonna melt!!

She said “Ok, pie me.”

“You want this pie?”

“I want all those pies!!”

“Ok, here we go”

“Mmmm, I am in such a pie-in-the-face mood. I love the way you plaster me with creamy dessert. It tastes as divine as it feels!!”


“Ok ok ok!! Let me have it. I want that pie. That one right there! Yep, thats the one. I request that pie. Pie-in-the-face.”

I snapped. I launched pie after pie, hitting her from top to bottom until she was a giggling mass of chocolate and cream. She squealed and slid over to me and embraced me, and we slid to the floor and kissed all the way down, slipping all over each other.


Yeah, well, thats it. Spelling typos and all. A lot of the dialogue is based on some real-life wackiness…


Dialog 1

— by Argus —

This is an actual clip from an ICQ chat. The nicks were changed to confuse the guilty…


Him: get this.

Him: you: hands tied.

Him: ankles tied.

Her: mmmmm

Him: On knees , on bed or in bathtub….

Him: in something I can remove without untying you.

Him: or naked…

Her: works for me

Him: slowly I strip…..

Her: *raised eyebrow*

Him: pants.

Him: boxers…

Him: shirt.

Him: ta daa!!

Him: ok…

Her: whoops…ya lost something there

Him: and finally…..

Her: i’d tickle you if i wasnt tied

Him: as I was saying

Him: promises promises..

Her: sowwy

Him: so there I am , N A KE D.

Him: And standing at serious attention. Of course, I get to look at you nude. (swoon)

Him: Off I go for a sec and come back….

Him: with a 16″ pie crust.

Her: you go off??? so soon???

Her: sheesh

Him: bad ammo I guess..

Him: just for that, you wait.

Him: 🙂

Her: *groan*

Him: Out of your reach….

Him: BIG crust…

Him: and into I pour…

Him: slowly,

Him: THICK, Dark, chocolate pudding pie-filling.

Him: steeeky and amazingly sweet.

Him: but not too sweet.

Her: *squeek*

Him: intothe crust it goes… a goor 2 or three inches. I told you, big crust.

Him: “all for you” I say…

Him: 🙂

Him: I gve you a taste, just for good measure.

Him: You all tied up can only WATCH.

Her: meany

Him: I take a big ol tub of luscious whipped cream topping and ladle it on top.

Him: And more..

Him: and more.

Him: “YOu said the cream was your favorite part :”

Him: :-))))

Him: and more….

Him: I ask you “More?”””

Him: smiling….

Her: lots

Her: 🙂

Her: quickly

Him: When you say that, by the way, my heart goes thumpty thump

Him: I really really ladle it on there.

Her: *wink*

Him: NOw I have a chocolate cream pie which is HUGE

Him: and loaded with whipped cream…..

Him: I heft it in my hand…

Her: remember enuff for you too…i always share

Him: 🙂

Him: “I am going ot enjoy this. Do you know what I do to

Him: gorgeous naked women who are all tied up?

Her: *shakehead*

Him: To gorgeous naked women that I am seriuosly smitten with???

Her: who cares about them…whatcha gonna do to *me*????

Him: I treat them to dessrt, of course, and for you, you…

Him: I am going to take this Huge chocolate cream pie of pies….

Him: and give you the mostest, bestest, sexyiest Cream pie-in-the-face you have ever ever had.

Her: now? like right now?

Him: You, my love, and going to wear this pie Alll Over your body.

Him: Would you like it right now?? I could wait you know….

Her: you sure ya wanna do that?

Her: i mean i’m all tied up

Her: *showing shackles*

Him: Am I sure??? Oh very. Very very. I want to do this sooooo badly.

Him: I noticed.. you are completely helpless.

Her: now? i wouldnt be able to defend myself *pensive look*

Him: You are so in for it. This pie is huge, as you have noticed.

Her: but…

Her: but…

Him: Mmm Hmmm… I know!! defenseless and helpless….

Her: whats my crime?

Him: you really don’t know your crime????

Her: i think its only fair

Him: Why I stripped you naked and tied you up and am going, just going, to plaster you with this gooey, and I mean

Him: gooey chocolatre cream pie?

Her: yeah…that would be the ‘why’

Him: Your crime is the sweetest crime of all…. you’re amazing and I fell for you.

Her: i mean…give me a chance to explain at least

Her: oh well

Him: Nope, no explanations.

Her: guilty as charged sir

Him: No excuses.

Him: Very guilty.

Her: yep

Him: Will you take your punishment willingly??? Its only fair.

Her: so i guess this means i *have* to get the pie

Her: i mean…ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?

Him: Well, I think you have to get the pie. I think I have to get you with it…. right here and right now.

Her: and i *am* guilty

Him: Guilty is an understatement. 🙂

Her: since there’s no way outta it…i sposs we outta go ahead and do it then

Him: the punishement is a throurough plastering.

Her: meet me destiny so to speak

Him: I hope you like chocolate and tons of silky whipped cream!

Him: I have your destiny in my hand!

Her: well…i *am* guilty…so i deserve the chocoalte and cream

Her: *deep breath*

Him: Do you the guilty party, accept your guilt and willingly accept the punishment? Do you really really believe you deserve the chocolate and cream?

Her: *quick prayer*

Her: i am guilty and accept full and total responsibility for my crime

Her: sir

Her: *close eyes* (not worthy of watching this ya know)

Him: Then I declare the punishment to be stripped nekkid, tied up, and Pied until deliciously creamy and sexy.

Him: repeat after me ” I deserve the pie”

Her: *sticking out chest a bit out of the little pride left*

Her: I

Her: Her. . . .

Her: do

Her: deserve

Her: the

Her: *deep breath*

Her: PIE

Him: ****** S M E A A A A A R R R R R R R **********

Him: heeheehee

Him: all over your head…

Him: and this thing drips globs all over your shoulders, arms, boobs, coveres one nipple, thighs, and some tummy!!

Him: WOW!

Her: i am washed of all crimes 🙂

Him: lol!!!!!

Her: oh my god….that was great!!!!!

Thats it… enjoy!

In Front of the Camera

— by Argus —

I asked her what she’d like to do as her part in front of the camera. She replied “To take off my clothes and to mess around with whip cream”.

My hair stood on end!

I asked her for examples. She said, “Well, I’d get naked, and then…play around. You know, get it all over my body..of course.” I told her that I could get a litttle or a lot. “Oh, get a lot! Like, if we could set up a little wading pool, and fill it with whip cream, I could jump in, or fall in, or whatever! That’d be cool!” I asked her about pies. “Hmmm..I’ve never done that. Get a pie in the face, you mean? I’ve had whip cream on my face, no big deal. I guess, yeah. No big deal. It sounds fun! I’ve seen all of those old movies, so I kinda wonder what it’s like! Especially naked, because it might get all over he place…really splat! So I could just stand here naked, and then all of a sudden I get a huge whip cream pie-in-the-face. And I just stand there naked and let it slide off my face. Fun! Lets do it!” I asked her if her nipples got big when she gots pied. “I dont know, but probably! They get hard when I get whip cream on them, so, yeah.”

So I ran the camera, and she took off all of her clothes. “I think it’t too hot in here. Maybe no one will notice if I just get naked” And she was…with a lovely body and pert, firm tits. SHe stretched..”Ahh, yeah. Much better.” And she smiled and looked into the camera. I pitched a big cream pie at her and the whip cream splatted all over her face and hair and on her breasts. She stood there and let the tin fall off, with a big glop of whip cream that fell on her right breast, covering her now hard nipple. One splat of white cream was in betrween her tits and on the soft curve on the inside, just drupping down her stomach. Her face was completely white with whip cream. “Yummmm! Oh look at me, I’m only waering a cream pie and nothing else..” “Throw another pie at me!!” I threw another at her and hit her in the face”. SHe laughed, and removed the tin, leaving the cream on her face and hair. “Do that again!” I threw another, and again she removed the tin” “Hit me again!! Pie me again, this is fun!!” I threw, and she splatted again. She was white and gooey from head to toe, and covered with a think, dripping, gloppy laye of whip cream. “I want to be a pie-in-the-face! Pie me! Let me have it!” I threw again!! “Mmmmmmm…cream pie!! I want more pies! Pie me! ” I threw the last pie. “How do I look?” I asked her how she felt/ “I feel great! This feels so good! This is fun. I’m all slippery. Take off your clothes and jump in with me.” I couldn’t refuse, so I did, and she covered me in the whip cream, licking it off of me, and making love to me…